
Agriculture - Food Processing
Trade Shows in October 2026


Agriculture - Food Processing

Dec 69 Jan 164 2025 Feb 206 Mar 221 Apr 207 May 234 Jun 173 Jul 106 Aug 133 Sep 300 Oct 338 Nov 297 Dec 76 Jan 158 2026 Feb 213 Mar 231 Apr 209 May 226 Jun 172 Jul 104 Aug 130 Sep 287 Oct 332 Nov 291 Dec 65
332 Trade Shows related to Agriculture - Food Processing
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
MARIAGE EXPOWedding and ceremonies fair in Tours. The future bride and groom will find in one place the service providers who will help make their union or their celebration the most beautiful day of their life once a year Tours (France) Parc des expositions de Tours Oct. 2026 (?)
MEAT & POULTRY ASIAThis trade show is aimed at meat and poultry suppliers and food manufacturers in the Asia-Pacific region once a year Singapore (Singapore) Marina Bay Sands Oct. 2026 (?)
MEDSHOWMoscow Medical & Health Tourism Congress once a year Moscow (Russia) T-Modul Exhibition Hall (Tishinka exhibition centre) Oct. 2026 (?)
MIFHEX INDONESIAMakassar International Food and Hospitality Expo. As a city that is experiencing rapid development, the city of Makassar is very suitable for business development, especially for eastern Indonesia once a year Makassar (Indonesia) Celebes Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
MOLDAGROTECHInternational Specialized Exhibition of Agricultural Equipment, Technologies and Materials once a year Chisinau (Moldova) I.E.C. Moldexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
MOSTRA MERCATO DELL’ARTIGIANATOItalian Quality Handicraft Fair. 'Mostra Artigianato' focuses on the value of craftsmanship. To know and appreciate the artisan productions on display, access our social networks! once a year Erba (Italy) Lario Fiere Oct. 2026 (?)
NATURE – HEALTH FAIRFair of Products, Activities and Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle once a year Ljubljana (Slovenia) Ljubljanski sejem - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
NATURE-HEALTH FAIRHealthy Living Fair. The Healthy Lifestyle Fair in Ljubljana will prefer its offer through the thematic stands Nutrition - Health and Wellbeing - Environment and Contact with Nature once a year Ljubljana (Slovenia) Ljubljanski sejem - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
NOLIA BEER UMEÅNolia Beer offers tastings, seminars and mingling for the visitor. A meeting place for those who appreciate food and drink in combination once a year Umeå (Sweden) Noliahallarna Oct. 2026 (?)
ORGANIC & NATURAL PRODUCTS EXPO AFRICA - JOBURGOrganic and Natural trade show. Food, Beverage, Ingredients, Raw Materials, Supplements and Nutrition, Cosmetic & Hygiene, Beauty and Personal Care, Household, Gardening... once a year Johannesburg (South Africa) Sandton Convention Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
PALMEX INDONESIAPALMEX Indonesia is a specialized Palm Oil event that brings together an international congregation of both upstream and downstream palm oil companies and also its supporting industries, to showcase the latest developments in the palm oil industry once a year Medan (Indonesia) Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel & Convention - Medan Oct. 2026 (?)
PARMA SPOSI EXPOParma Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year Parma (Italy) Castello Monte Chiarugolo Oct. 2026 (?)
PESARO SPOSI EXPOPesaro Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year Pesaro (Italy) Villa Berloni, Pesaro Oct. 2026 (?)
PIACENZA SPOSI EXPOPiacenza Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year Piacenza (Italy) Villa Garibaldi, Piacenza Oct. 2026 (?)
POLAREXPO FISHING & HUNTINGThe largest Event of the year for everyone interested in the Greenlandic Fishing and Hunting Industries. The Exhibition presents all the new Equipment for Commercial Fishing and Hunting in this Region every 2 years ? Oct. 2026 (?)
POULTRY AFRICAThe first and foremost professional business event for progressive poultry producers in sub-Saharan Africa every 2 years ? Oct. 2026 (?)
PRO LABEL ASIA EXPOInternational Exhibition On Total Solution for Printing Technology, Equipment, Supplies and Machinery Supplies once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Oct. 2026 (?)
RACC EXPOChina International Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration and Cold Chain Expo once a year Hangzhou (China) Hangzhou International Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
REGIONTOURInternational Exhibition of Regional Tourism. REGIONTOUR is a key project to support domestic and incoming tourism in the Czech Republic once a year Brno (Czech Republic) Brno Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
RESTAURANT & BAR DESIGN SHOWThe UK's most comprehensive event dedicated to the very latest and most stylish designs for restaurants and bars once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Oct. 2026 (?)
RESTAURANT, PUB & BAR ASIATrade Show dedicated to Singapore's Restaurant, Pub and Bar Industry once a year Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore Oct. 2026 (?)
RESTAURANTSPACES - LOS ANGELES, CAThe restaurant industry is undergoing a radical transformation. RestaurantSpaces brings key leaders together to explore this transformation through the lens of design + technology twice a year Napa, CA (USA) Meritage Resort And Spa, Napa Oct. 2026 (?)
RICCIONE SPOSI EXPORiccione Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year Riccione (Italy) Palazzo del Turismo, Riccione Oct. 2026 (?)
ROMA SPOSARome Wedding Fair. Wedding and formal clothing, travel agencies, gifts and wedding lists, jewelry, beauty treatments, photography, music and entertainment... once a year Rome (Italy) Palazzo dei Congressi Oct. 2026 (?)
RUNDVEE & MECHANISATIE VAKDAGEN (RMV) HARDENBERGRMV is the platform where the entire beef industry comes together to meet, inspire and help the sector move forward. Discover a wide range of products, services and innovations that will help you sustain your business once a year Hardenberg (Netherlands) Evenementenhal Hardenberg Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON ATLANTICATradeshow dedicated to equipment and services for the camping and caravanning, recreational structures & residential leisure parks once a year Niort (France) Parc Expo Niort Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES FORMATIONS TOURISME, HÔTELLERIE ET RESTAURATION DE BORDEAUXTo help you build your career plans, many professionals, specialists and students from the tourism and hotel-restaurant sectors will be happy to discuss topics related to the various professions and job opportunities once a year Bordeaux (France) Parc des expositions de Bordeaux-Lac Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES FORMATIONS TOURISME, HÔTELLERIE ET RESTAURATION DE LYONTo help you build your career plans, many professionals, specialists and students from the tourism and hotel-restaurant sectors will be happy to discuss topics related to the various professions and job opportunities once a year Lyon (France) Eurexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES FORMATIONS TOURISME, HÔTELLERIE ET RESTAURATION DE NICETo help you build your career plans, many professionals, specialists and students from the tourism and hotel-restaurant sectors will be happy to discuss topics related to the various professions and job opportunities once a year Nice (France) Palais des Expositions de Nice Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES FORMATIONS TOURISME, HÔTELLERIE ET RESTAURATION DE TOURSTo help you build your career plans, many professionals, specialists and students from the tourism and hotel-restaurant sectors will be happy to discuss topics related to the various professions and job opportunities once a year Tours (France) Centre international de congrès de Tours - Le Vinci Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES VINS DES VIGNERONS INDÉPENDANTS - CLERMONT-FERRANDWine fair for independent winegrowers. At the Vignerons Indépendants wine fairs, you will meet the winegrowers themselves who, each with their own words, will tell you about their story, their wine, their profession once a year Clermont-Ferrand (France) Polydome - Centre d'Exposition et de Congrès Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES VINS DES VIGNERONS INDÉPENDANTS - LYONWine fair for independent winegrowers. At the Vignerons Indépendants wine fairs, you will meet the winegrowers themselves who, each with their own words, will tell you about their story, their wine, their profession twice a year Lyon (France) Eurexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - CHARTRESThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Chartres (France) Parc des Expositions Chartrexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - COLMARThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Colmar (France) Parc des Expositions de Colmar Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - RENNESThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - ST BRIEUCThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Saint-Brieuc (France) Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Saint-Brieuc Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE - VERTOUThe fairs « Vins & Gastronomie » offer artisans the opportunity to showcase their know-how and share their passion for good products with the public. Hundreds of producers, winegrowers, distributors and artisans in the catering trade once a year Vertou (France) Salle Sèvre et Maine Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE - BRIVEWellness Fair. Health, relaxation, nutrition, comfort, alternative medicine, natural medicine, fitness, relaxation, organic products... once a year Brive-la-Gaillarde (France) Espace des Trois Provinces Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE - LIMOGESWellness Fair. Health, relaxation, nutrition, comfort, alternative medicine, natural medicine, fitness, relaxation, organic products... once a year Limoges (France) Parc des expositions de Limoges Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU BONParisian gastronomy fair, under the aegis of the great chef Thierry Marx. Tableware, Good products, Know-how, Culinary experiments, World of drinks, Kitchen equipment... once a year Paris (France) Grande Halle de la Villette Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU CHOCOLAT - PARISProfessional and general public exhibition exclusively dedicated to chocolate. At the SALON DU CHOCOLAT, discover and taste chocolate in all its forms and in all its states once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE - ANGERSAngers Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers... once a year Angers (France) Angers Parc Expo Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE - BRESTBrest Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers... once a year Brest (France) Parc des expositions Penfeld Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE - LYONLyon Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers... once a year Lyon (France) Eurexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE - STRASBOURGWedding Fair of Strasbourg. Fashion shows of bridal dresses and costumes, aesthetic advice, festive meals, entertainment, prestigious vehicles, honeymoons, organization of ceremonies, photographers, jewelry... once a year Strasbourg (France) Parc des expositions de Strasbourg Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE - VANNESVannes Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers... once a year Vannes (France) Le Chorus, Parc des expositions Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE D'ANVERSThe Antwerp Wedding Fair offers, for a weekend, the possibility for all its visitors to find everything they are looking for for their wedding in one and the same place once a year Antwerp (Belgium) Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE D'ARLONThe Arlon Wedding Fair offers, for a weekend, the possibility for all its visitors to find everything they are looking for for their wedding in one and the same place once a year Arlon (Belgium) Hall Polyvalent Arlon Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE DE BÉZIERSBéziers Wedding Fair. A complete event around marriage bringing together a diversity of qualified service providers: wedding dresses, hairdressing and beauty, formal wear for men, invitations, photographers, reception venues and caterers, entertainment... once a year Béziers (France) Parc des Expositions de Béziers Oct. 2026 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE DE BRUXELLESThe Brussels Wedding Fair offers, for a weekend, the possibility for all its visitors to find everything they are looking for for their wedding in one and the same place once a year Brussels (Belgium) Tour & Taxis Oct. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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