
Building, Construction & Architecture
Trade Shows in June 2026


Building, Construction & Architecture

Dec 82 Jan 116 2025 Feb 218 Mar 301 Apr 224 May 270 Jun 176 Jul 93 Aug 97 Sep 293 Oct 329 Nov 257 Dec 77 Jan 121 2026 Feb 216 Mar 291 Apr 226 May 249 Jun 178 Jul 88 Aug 95 Sep 289 Oct 302 Nov 251 Dec 68
178 Trade Shows related to Building, Construction & Architecture
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
STEEL STRUCTURESSteelStructures will bring together building steel products manufacturers, suppliers and end-users. Steel structures manufacturers and steel service centers will exhibit their latest solutions for the construction industry once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds June 2026 (?)
STONE INDUSTRY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONStone Industry International Exhibition in Russia. Natural stone: extraction, processing and application once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC June 2026 (?)
SUBCONTRACTING POZNANSUBCONTRACTING is a special trade fair for industrial subcontractors that will be held together with the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE industrial fair. Searching subcontracting offers and arranging an appointment is possible on the online platform once a year Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center June 2026 (?)
SYLVA WOODAsia’s great trade expo for sourcing wood materials. At Sylva Wood, meet leading wood associations and professional buyers from the flooring, furniture, doors, windows & interior furnishing sectors once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai Mart June 2026 (?)
TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL INTERIOR DESIGN EXPOThe largest building show in Taiwan that focus on interior design. The expo extends the invitations to international building material manufacturers across the world once a year Taipei (Taiwan) Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center June 2026 (?)
THE BIG 5 CONSTRUCT EGYPTEgypt International Building & Construction Exhibition, showcasing cutting-edge innovations and technologies in the construction sector once a year Cairo (Egypt) EIEC (Egypt International Exhibition Center) June 2026 (?)
THE BIG 5 CONSTRUCT ETHIOPIAThe largest construction event in Ethiopia. Big 5 Construct Ethiopia showcases the transformative power of collaboration, paving the way for an empowered construction industry in the region once a year Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Millennium Hall June 2026 (?)
THE BIG 5 CONSTRUCT SOUTH AFRICAThe Big 5 Construct South Africa is the central meeting place for global manufacturers and distributors of building and construction products to network and do business once a year ? June 2026 (?)
THE BIG 5 CONSTRUCT SOUTHERN AFRICAThe Big 5 African Construction Expo is the central meeting place for global manufacturers and distributors of building and construction products to network and do business once a year Johannesburg (South Africa) Gallagher Convention Centre June 2026 (?)
THE HOTEL SHOW AFRICAAttracting 1000’s of GMs, owners, operators, procurement managers, designers, developers and the all important front-line hospitality personnel, The Hotel Show offers an unmissable opportunity for suppliers to showcase latest products, ideas and trends once a year ? June 2026 (?)
TOC CONTAINER SUPPLY CHAIN EUROPEExhibition and Conference for Shipping, Ports and Terminal Industries once a year Rotterdam (Netherlands) Ahoy Rotterdam June 2026 (?)
URBIS SMART CITY FAIRInternational Fair for Technology, Equipment and Services for Development of Communities and Towns once a year Brno (Czech Republic) Brno Exhibition Centre June 2026 (?)
VEHICLE & ENVIRONMENTThis event will dive into the key topics of E-Mobility, Automated and Connected Mobility (ADAS/ AD), Electric and Electronics (E/E), in light of the major perspective of automotive sustainability once a year Graz (Austria) Helmut-List-Halle June 2026 (?)
VICTORIAN TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE CONFERENCEVictoria's largest major projects & infrastructure conference attracting over 200 delegates each year. Topics covered - Transport, housing, health, education, energy & water once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre June 2026 (?)
VIVRE CÔTÉ SUD -MONTPELLIERDecoration and art of living exhibition in the South of France. Ideas for the home, decoration, garden, flavors, art of living... once a year Montpellier (France) Bassin Jacques Coeur June 2026 (?)
WARSAW FLOOR EXPOWarsaw International Trade Fair for Floor and Surface Materials once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo June 2026 (?)
WARSAW HOME ELECTRONICSWarsaw International electronics fair for a modern home. The 'Warsaw Home Electronics' offers effective and dynamic presentations, enriched with industry conferences and workshops once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo June 2026 (?)
WATER AFRICA - GHANAInternational Water & Wastewater Exhibition in Ghana. Water Africa Exhibitors will be showcasing the latest equipment and services in the field of water and wastewater engineering for commercial, industrial use and public use once a year Accra (Ghana) Accra International Conference Centre – Grand Arena June 2026 (?)
WATERTECH CHINAWATERTECH CHINA is one of the world's largest international exhibition for process, showcasing cutting-edge innovations in water treatment technology once a year Shanghai (China) June 2026 (?)
WEST AFRICA BUILDING & CONTRUCTION - GHANAInternational construction & building technology Expo. West Africa Building & Construction exhibitors will be showing the latest equipment and services in the field of civil engineering construction, building for commercial, industrial & social housing once a year Accra (Ghana) Ghana International Trade Fair Centre June 2026 (?)
WINDOW EXPOInternational Trade Fair for Technology and Products of the Window Industry in Poland and the entire Central and Eastern European region twice a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo June 2026 (?)
WINTER GIFT & HOMEWARE FAIRGifts and home products fair in New Zealand. The sourcing platform for thousands of retailers and buyers in attendance exploring the latest products from hundreds of local and international exhibiting wholesalers once a year Christchurch (New Zealand) Air Force Museum of New Zealand June 2026 (?)
WISAWater Institute of South Africa biennial Conference & Exhibition every 2 years ? June 2026 (?)
WMC - WORLD MINING CONGRESSWorld Mining Congress. WMC is a unique opportunity for international representatives of the world’s leading resource economies to meet, find new partners, discuss current challenges, and share the latest research, technology and best practice every 3 years ? June 2026 (?)
WORLD PASSENGER FESTIVALThe World Passenger Festival is a conference and exhibition, focused on the transformation of passenger transport and mobility. customer experience, digital transformation, commercial strategy, ticketing & payments, marketing and distribution once a year Vienna (Austria) Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre) June 2026 (?)
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - FRANCEZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering once a year Paris (France) Station F June 2026 (?)
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - SWITZERLAND - ZURICHZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering once a year Zurich (Switzerland) The Hall, Zurich June 2026 (?)
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - USA - AUSTINZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering once a year Austin, TX (USA) Hotel Van Zandt June 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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