
Building, Construction & Architecture
Trade Shows in November 2026


Building, Construction & Architecture

Dec 82 Jan 116 2025 Feb 218 Mar 301 Apr 224 May 270 Jun 176 Jul 93 Aug 97 Sep 293 Oct 329 Nov 257 Dec 77 Jan 121 2026 Feb 216 Mar 291 Apr 226 May 249 Jun 178 Jul 88 Aug 95 Sep 289 Oct 302 Nov 251 Dec 68
251 Trade Shows related to Building, Construction & Architecture
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BISFE - BUSAN INTERNATIONAL SEAFOOD & FISHERIES EXPOBusan International Seafood & Fisheries Expo. Frozen/Refrigerated Products, Salted Products, Processed Seaweed, Health Food, Processing Machines, Aquaculture Equipment, Boats/Equipment, Fishing Gear/Net/Buoy, Packaging Equipments & Materials... once a year Busan (Korea South) Bexco (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center) Nov. 2026 (?)
BUILD BALGLADESHThe biggest & oldest exhibition of Bangladesh featuring Worldwide Building & Construction Material, Method and Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers once a year Dhaka (Bangladesh) International Convention City Bashundhara Nov. 2026 (?)
BUILD EXPO USA - S. FLORIDAAmerica's Premier Regional Building & Construction Event, providing a platform for the latest developments and innovations in the construction sector once a year Fort Lauderdale, FL (USA) Greater Ft. Lauderdale - Broward County Convention Center Nov. 2026 (?)
BUILD FOR WATER'Build for Water' is a new conference helping to create action and promote knowledge about climate adaptation among architects, engineers, urban planners and other important players in the construction industry once a year Copenhagen (Denmark) Vandvaerket - Copenhagen Waterworks Nov. 2026 (?)
BUILDING IRAQIraq International Building, Construction Materials and Infrastructure Exhibition every 2 years Baghdad (Iraq) Baghdad International Fair Grounds Nov. 2026 (?)
BURSA INTERNATIONAL MARBLE BLOCK FAIRBursa International Marble Block Fair. Marble blocks and heavy equipment are exhibited in closed areas once a year Bursa (Turkey) Tüyap Bursa International Fair and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
CAM - EURASIA GLASSGlass Products and Applications, Production - Processing Technologies and Machinery, Auxiliary Products and Chemicals Fair once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
CAPA ASIA AVIATION SUMMIT & AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCEThis two-day summit, highly regarded as the key industry event for the region, offers thought leadership, valuable networking opportunities, and in-depth insight on the issues and trends that shape the local and global airline industry once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
CEMENT EXPO VIETNAMThe only specialized Concrete event in Vietnam that brings together an international congregation of both upstream and downstream Cement & Concrete companies and also its supporting industries once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
CGHE - CHINA GIFTS HOME EXPOShanghai International Gift & Household Goods Exhibition. Brand gifts, household products, daily necessities, Suppliers of kitchen supplies, business gifts, environmentally friendly products, digital appliances, cultural and creative products... twice a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC Nov. 2026 (?)
CHINA HOME LIFEChina Homelife is the largest fair of Chinese producers in Europe. More than 500 exhibitors from sectors such as consumer electronics, fashion, textiles and leather, household appliances, lighting, home and garden, hobby... once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo Nov. 2026 (?)
CHINA HOMELIFE SHOW POLANDChina Homelife Show is an event to facilitate making business contacts, to inspire for action and support the development of companies once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo Nov. 2026 (?)
CHINA YIWU IMPORTED COMMODITIES FAIRChina Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair. Household articles, Food & beverages, art-crafts & ornaments, garments & accessories, e-commerce service providers... once a year Yiwu (China) Yiwu International Expo Center Nov. 2026 (?)
CHINA YIWU INTERNATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS FAIRChina International Forest Products Fair. Furniture & Accessories, Timberwork & Wooden Building Materials, Forest Food, Flower & Gardening, Wood & Bamboo Handicrafts, Wood & Bamboo Daily Necessities, Tea Products, Forestry Technology & Equipments once a year Yiwu (China) Yiwu International Expo Center Nov. 2026 (?)
CIAARChina International Auto Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Exhibition. CIAAR exhibits include Vehicle Air-conditioning & Auto parts, Engine Cooling Equipments, Transport Refrigeration Technology & Equipment once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC Nov. 2026 (?)
CITYSCAPE BAHRAINBahrain's leading real estate event, Cityscape Bahrain, brings together thousands of industry professionals, homebuyers, and investors to explore opportunities, trends, and insights in the real estate industry once a year Manama (Bahrain) Exhibition World Bahrain Nov. 2026 (?)
CLEAN INDIA SHOWAsia's leading exhibition on Cleaning Technologies & Hygiene Solutions for Commercial Cleaning, Municipal Cleaning, Industrial Cleaning, Residential Cleaning once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
CLEAN NZNew Zealand's only dedicated Cleaning & Hygiene Trade Show every 2 years ? Nov. 2026 (?)
CLEANEXPO KAZAKHSTANSpecialized Central Asian Exhibition of Cleaners and Detergents, Dry Cleaning, Laundry Equipment and Cleaning Equipment in Kazakhstan once a year Almaty (Kazakhstan) Atakent International Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
CLEANEXPO MOSCOW / PULIREInternational exhibition of equipment and materials for professional cleaning, sanitary, hygiene, dry-cleaning and laundry once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Nov. 2026 (?)
COACH AND BUS UKCoach and Bus Exhibition. Coach and Bus Live will provide its exhibitors the chance the meet amongst over 6, 000 industry professionals, decision makers from a range of bus and coach operators, local authorities and community transport providers every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
COMEX SHOWSingapore’s biggest IT Exhibition. COMEX SHOW will exhibit electronic gadgets, IT products and accessories & peripherals, ranging from mobile phones, desktop computers, portable laptops, digital cameras to the latest touchscreen and LED displays twice a year Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore Nov. 2026 (?)
COMEXITSHOWSingapore's largest consumer lifestyle marketplace. Comex IT Show brings together leading brands and innovators in a vibrant and diverse product showcase offering the latest consumer technology trends and products, as well as unbeatable deals twice a year Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore Nov. 2026 (?)
CONCRETE EXPO VIETNAMThe only specialized Concrete event in Vietnam that brings together an international congregation of both upstream and downstream Cement & Concrete companies and also its supporting industries once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
CONNECTICUT FALL HOME SHOWConnecticut Home Show. If you’re planning on remodeling or renovating your home, this is the home improvement event you can’t afford to miss once a year Hartford, CT (USA) Connecticut Convention Center Nov. 2026 (?)
COSMOPROF ASIA - HONG-KONGCosmoprof Asia, the leading b2b international beauty trade show in Asia, is where global beauty trendsetters gather to introduce their cutting-edge technologies, product innovations and new solutions once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
CTW - CHINA TRADE WEEK - MOROCCOChina Trade Week - Morocco is an essential opportunity for any business owners, professional buyers, wholesalers or import /export organizations who are seeking new sources for their products and services once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Parc d'Exposition de l'Office des Changes (CICEC) Nov. 2026 (?)
CTW - CHINA TRADE WEEK - SAUDI ARABIAChina Trade Week - Saudi Arabia is the B2B and B2G exhibition, connecting industry leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs with the dynamic markets of the Middle East once a year Dammam (Saudi Arabia) Dhahran International Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
CTW - CLEAN INDIA TECHNOLOGY WEEKTrade show showcasing solutions for clean surfaces, clean environment, clean linen, clean air and clean water once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
DER EXPOInternational Decentralized Energy Resources Expo & Conference. Creating new opportunities to directly experience new trends in the energy industry and set the direction of the latest technology and business integrated with various energy resources once a year Seoul (Korea South) Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center Nov. 2026 (?)
DESTINATION HABITAT - LYONLyon housing fair (France). Construction, Renovation, Interior design and decoration, Exterior design once a year Lyon (France) LDLC Arena, Lyon Nov. 2026 (?)
ECO LIVING SCANDINAVIAEco Life Scandinavia is the largest sustainable B2B trade event in the Nordic countries for trade buyers in the healthy living, nutrition, natural beauty and self-care sectors once a year ? Nov. 2026 (?)
ECOFIRAInternational Fair of Environmental Solutions and energies once a year Valencia (Spain) Feria Valencia Nov. 2026 (?)
ECOMONDOInternational Trade Fair on Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development once a year Rimini (Italy) Rimini Fiera Nov. 2026 (?)
EGPEXEurasia's Real Estate, Investment, Finance and Citizenship Fair, bringing together foreign investors and buyers who want to invest in real estate in Turkey once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo Nov. 2026 (?)
EL GRAN SALÓN FERRETEROGRAN SALON FERRETERO is the great Colombian hardware fair, which aims to create an ideal networking and sales environment for distributors, hardware stores, suppliers, entrepreneurs, brands... once a year Bogotá (Colombia) Corferias - Centro de Convenciones Nov. 2026 (?)
ELECTRICITY & ENERGYInternational convention for Electrical Power, Air Conditioning and Energy Engineering in Israel once a year Eilat (Israel) Dan Eilat Hotel Nov. 2026 (?)
ENERGIKATrade Show of actors and innovations of the world of electricity every 2 years Biarritz (France) Halle d'Iraty Nov. 2026 (?)
ENVIROPRO NANCYExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Nancy (France) Parc des Expositions de Nancy Nov. 2026 (?)
E-SALON - E-TECHNOLOGYExhibition of clean mobility, e-mobility technologies and solutions. Cars, utility vehicles and two-wheelers with alternative propulsion, charging infrastructure, smart cities, services linked to e-mobility... once a year Prague (Czech Republic) PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany Nov. 2026 (?)
ESS EXPOInternational Energy Storage System Expo & Conference once a year Seoul (Korea South) Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center Nov. 2026 (?)
EURASIA DOOR FAIRInternational Interior Door and Door Systems, Lock, Panel, Board, Partition Systems and Accessories Fair in Turkey once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
EURASIA GLASS FAIRTurkish international Fair dedicated to Glass Products and Applications, Production-Processing Technologies and Machineries, Auxiliary Products and Chemicals once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
EURASIA WINDOW FAIRInternational Window, Glass Technology, Accessories, Related Industry and Auxiliary Products Fair once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
EUROBUS EXPOEuropean Trade Show, specially designed for the Coach & Bus Industry. EuroBus Expo will provide its exhibitors with the chance the meet international decision makers from a range of bus & coach operators, local authorities & community transport provider every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
EXPO CONSTRUCCIÓNConstruction fair in Bolivia. Business spaces, conferences, participation of large construction supplier companies, exposing their products and services to the main consumers in the sector once a year Cochabamba (Bolivia) Recinto Ferial de Alalay Nov. 2026 (?)
EXPO ELETTRONICA - FORLIExpo Elettronica brings together the best exhibitors and a wide range of electronic, computer, energy saving, telephony, hardware and software, satellite reception, accessories and components for all uses twice a year Forli (Italy) Fiera di Forlì Nov. 2026 (?)
EXPOCLEAN RUSSIAInternational Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Cleaning Agents, Equipment and Services once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Nov. 2026 (?)
FACILITIES SHOWThis exhibition aims all those who contribute to making the workplace deliver. The event will bring buyers responsible for the maintenance, running and management of workplaces together with a variety of leading suppliers from facilities management, healt once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Nov. 2026 (?)
FACILITIES SHOW (ON LINE)This exhibition aims all those who contribute to making the workplace deliver. The event will bring buyers responsible for the maintenance, running and management of workplaces together with a variety of leading suppliers from facilities management, healt once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Nov. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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