
Equipment & Service for Commerce and Industry
Trade Shows in May 2026


Equipment & Service for Commerce and Industry

Dec 19 Jan 43 2025 Feb 78 Mar 82 Apr 101 May 89 Jun 62 Jul 34 Aug 35 Sep 123 Oct 119 Nov 99 Dec 18 Jan 45 2026 Feb 77 Mar 83 Apr 102 May 83 Jun 62 Jul 33 Aug 34 Sep 125 Oct 119 Nov 98 Dec 15
83 Trade Shows related to Equipment & Service for Commerce and Industry
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
PERSONALISATION EXPERIENCEThis event is an opportunity to hear leading figures share their knowledge, discover the latest technology in custom printing solutions and contacts that can help grow your business once a year ? May 2026 (?)
PHILIPPINES RETAIL & ECOMMERCE INNOVATION SUMMITThe summit aims at retailers both in-store and online, to help businesses thrive in the highly disruptive retail sector. Business Agility, Future Retail Stores, Experiential Initiatives, Supply Chain & Home Delivery... once a year Manila (Philippines) Marriott Hotel, Manila May 2026 (?)
PLMA INTERNATIONALWorld of Private Label International Trade Show & Conference once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre May 2026 (?)
POLYMER SOURCING & DISTRIBUTIONCongress dedicated to Polymer Sourcing & Distribution. Disruptive forces, challenges and opportunities in global polymer sourcing & distribution once a year ? May 2026 (?)
POLYMER SOURCING & DISTRIBUTION EUROPEForum discussing disruptive forces, challenges and opportunities in global polymer sourcing & distribution once a year ? May 2026 (?)
PROLIGHT + SOUND GUANGZHOUChina (Guangzhou) International Professional Light and Sound Exhibition once a year Guangzhou (China) China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex May 2026 (?)
REKLAMA / POLYGRAFInternational Trade Fair of Advertising Services, Marketing and Media - International Trade Fair of Polygraphy, Paper and Packing Technology once a year Prague (Czech Republic) PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany May 2026 (?)
RETAIL ASIA EXPORetail Design & In-Store Expo - Retail Technology Expo. Retail Asia Expo is an annual trade show and conference consisting of four focus areas: Retail Technology, Retail Design & In-Store Marketing, eCommerce World and Retail Property once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre May 2026 (?)
RETAIL TECHNOLOGYSwedish Retail Fair. Here, commerce stakeholders come together to explore cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools that improve the customer experience once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Kista Mässan May 2026 (?)
RFID JOURNAL LIVE!RFID Journal LIVE! is the world’s largest event focused on radio frequency identification and related technologies, showcasing the best selection of RFID tags, readers and software, Innovative new products and implementation services once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) Paris Hotel & Resort May 2026 (?)
SEAMLESS MIDDLE EASTSeamless is a great meeting place for the brightest and most innovative minds across the payments, fintech, identity, banking, retail, e-commerce, home delivery and digital marketing industries once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) May 2026 (?)
SET CANADAEquipment, Technology and Service Exhibition for the Grocery Distribution Industry of Canada. SET Canada is North America’s best show when it comes to equipment and technology that’s aimed at retail professionals, food-processing & food-service industry once a year Montreal, QC (Canada) Palais des Congrès de Montréal May 2026 (?)
SIEMAInternational Food Processing, Packaging and Machinery Exhibition. SIEMA is the Morocco’s dedicated show covering the food processing and packaging products for exporters and buyers once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC) May 2026 (?)
SMALL BUSINESS EXPO BOSTONBusiness Trade Show. Small Business Expo brings together thousands of business owners and decision-makers to network, attend business critical workshops, build new business relationships and shop from vendors that provide unique products & services once a year Boston, MA (USA) Westin Boston Seaport District May 2026 (?)
SMALL BUSINESS EXPO NEW-YORKBusiness Trade Show. Small Business Expo brings together thousands of business owners and decision-makers to network, attend business critical workshops, build new business relationships and shop from vendors that provide unique products & services once a year New York, NY (USA) Jacob K. Javits Convention Center May 2026 (?)
SOUTH PRINT PACK EXPO - CHENNAIInternational Printing, Packaging, Corrugation & Converting Industry Expo in Chennai once a year Chennai (India) Chennai Trade Centre May 2026 (?)
SOUTH SIGN EXPO - CHENNAIInternational Indoor & Outdoor Advertising, Digital Printing, LED & Signage Expo in Chennai once a year Chennai (India) Chennai Trade Centre May 2026 (?)
SURTEXNorth America's Premier International Showcase for the Sale and License of Two Dimensional Designs once a year New York, NY (USA) Jacob K. Javits Convention Center May 2026 (?)
SYDNEY FRANCHISING & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXPOBusiness Investment Expo in Sydney. Sydney Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo is the opportunity to talk face-to-face with leading franchisors and successful franchisees across a range of business opportunities once a year Sydney (Australia) ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney May 2026 (?)
TFPS - ASIAN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS EQUIPMENT EXHIBITIONAsian Tourist Attractions Equipment Exhibition once a year Guangzhou (China) China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex May 2026 (?)
TFWA ASIA PACIFIC EXHIBITION & CONFERENCETax Free World Exhibition & Conference. Featuring insight and analysis, brands to excite the region’s travellers, innovative ideas on passenger engagement and multiple networking opportunities once a year Singapore (Singapore) Marina Bay Sands May 2026 (?)
THAIFEX - ANUGA ASIAInternational Trade Exhibition for Food & Beverages, Food Technology and Retail & Franchise in Asia once a year Bangkok (Thailand) Impact Exhibition & Convention Center May 2026 (?)
THE BUSINESS SHOW - MIAMIThe Business Show helps small businesses grow and develop. Hear from experts from some of the biggest companies in the world who will be offering you the best tips, tricks, and advice to get yourself off the ground and thriving once a year Miami, FL (USA) Miami Beach Convention Center May 2026 (?)
THE DESIGN SHOWThe 'Design Show' is a cosmopolitan Exhibition for the finest designs and architectural innovations, featuring the residential and commercial projects of architecture and interior design in addition to product design latest trends once a year Cairo (Egypt) Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre May 2026 (?)
THE FRANCHISE EXPO - LAS VEGASNorth America's Franchise & Business Opportunities Event. THE FRANCHISE EXPO showcases the fastest growing franchises & business opportunities with thousands of potential franchisees & business partners eager ready to invest once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) World Market Center, Las Vegas May 2026 (?)
THE FRANCHISE EXPO - ORLANDONorth America's Franchise & Business Opportunities Event. THE FRANCHISE EXPO showcases the fastest growing franchises & business opportunities with thousands of potential franchisees & business partners eager ready to invest once a year Orlando, FL (USA) Orange County Convention Center May 2026 (?)
THE HOTEL SHOW DUBAIThe Hotel Show connects buyers looking to source the latest products and innovations shifting the landscape of the hospitality industry with top tier brands and suppliers of hotel tech, F&B, operating supplies and much more once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) May 2026 (?)
USA TRADE TASTINGAn annual Trade event featuring exciting wines, craft beers and craft spirits from all over the world to US importers, distributors, retailers and press once a year Chicago, IL (USA) Morgan MFG May 2026 (?)
VERTRIEBSMANAGEMENT KONGRESSGermany's No. 1 event for sales executives once a year Berlin (Germany) Estrel Berlin Hotel & Convention Center May 2026 (?)
WEB & MOBILE MARKETING EXPOWeb & Mobile Marketing Expo. Digital Marketing Expo (Web-Mo Spring) features a variety of solutions regarding marketing automation, AI, web marketing, adtech and video advertising once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) May 2026 (?)
WEB WORLD EXPO - ECDM EXPO GREECE & SE EUROPEWeb Based Technologies Exhibition. The biggest exhibition on eCommerce & Digital Marketing in Southeastern Europe once a year ? May 2026 (?)
WORKSPACEInternational Workspace Design Exhibiton. Workspace at INDEX is the regions only exhibition dedicated to commercial interior design and office furniture and is the largest sourcing platform in the region once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) May 2026 (?)
WORLD RETAIL CONGRESSThe World Retail Congress brings together over 1000 senior executives from the global retail industry. It is focused on the traits needed to be truly world-class in today’s retail landscape once a year ? May 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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