RUSSIA ROBOTICS WEEKRussian Robotics Week is a complex of congress and exhibition events on industrial robotics. Robotization, digitalization, artificial intelligence, lean manufacturing offered by enterprises and organizations of Cluster Creonomyca
once a year |
St. Petersburg (Russia)
Petrocongress Centre
11/17/2025 5 days |
DATA CENTER ASIA - KUALA LUMPURData Center Asia is the premier event for data center industry across the Asia-Pacific region. A strategic platform for industry leaders to connect, collaborate, and explore cutting-edge data center technologies
once a year |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC)
11/18/2025 3 days |
MILIPOL PARISWorldwide Exhibition of Internal State Security. MILIPOL presents the latest technological innovations in the safety and internal security sector of States and allows debate on the present and future of the industry
every 2 years |
Paris (France)
Paris Nord Villepinte
11/18/2025 4 days |
MIP CANCÚNThe #1 Content and Co-Production Market for Latin America and US Hispanic Television
once a year |
Cancún (Mexico)
Moon Palace, Cancún
11/18/2025 4 days |
SMART NATIONMalaysia’s Leading Expo on Smart Technology. Communication, Energy, Building, Infrastructure, Security, Manufacturing, Education, Agriculture, Mobility & Transport, Property, Banking, Healthcare, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Electric Vehicles...
once a year |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC)
11/18/2025 3 days |
SPACE TECH EXPO EUROPEThe Europe’s largest B2B event for the space industry, in Bremen, the city of space. Space Tech Expo Europe reunites the entire space supply chain under one roof
once a year |
Bremen (Germany)
Bremen MesseCentrum
11/18/2025 3 days |
TELECOMS WORLD ASIATelecoms World Asia is the premier conference focused entirely on digital solutions and services for Asian Telcos
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Centara Grand Hotel & Convention Center
11/18/2025 2 days |
B2B MARKETING EXPOEurope’s leading marketing event, connecting the most proactive marketing professionals with the tools, techniques and innovations they need to be at the forefront of the ever-evolving world of marketing
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/19/2025 2 days |
C+UX - CUSTOMER + USER EXPERIENCEUK’s biggest Customer & User Experience event, connecting the most proactive professionals within sectors such as retail, hospitality, travel and finance with the tips, techniques, innovations and strategies
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/19/2025 2 days |
CALL & CONTACT CENTRE EXPOThe UK’s Biggest Call & Contact Centre Event
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/19/2025 2 days |
DATACENTRES IRELANDDataCentres Ireland is a free event bringing together owners, operators, suppliers, investors and innovators under one roof. Infrastructure, Services, Solutions
once a year |
Dublin (Ireland)
Royal Dublin Society
11/19/2025 2 days |
EDUCATEC - EDUCATRICEEvent exclusively dedicated to the Professionals of the Educational and Vocational Training Sectors
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
11/19/2025 3 days |
EDUCATECH EXPOEducatech Expo is a must-attend event for those involved in digital education, from primary school to higher education. It features rich conferences to help you think about the education of tomorrow
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
11/19/2025 2 days |
INTERNATIONAL SMART GRID EXPO - OSAKAInternational exhibition and conference specialized in all kinds of technologies and services related to Smart Grid
once a year |
Osaka (Japan)
Intex Osaka
11/19/2025 3 days |
LE SALON EUROPÉEN DE L'ÉDUCATIONThe Salon européen de l'éducation is the annual event for education professionals and hundreds of thousands of young people who come to think about their orientation
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
11/19/2025 5 days |
MTEX - MARKETING TECHNOLOGY EXPOEurope's Leading Marketing Technology Event. Connecting forward thinking marketers with the technology, tools and techniques they need to stay ahead in the ever changing world of digital marketing
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/19/2025 2 days |
OFFICE SERVICE EXPO - OSAKAJapanese office services fair. All products and services for back office will be exhibited at OFFICE SERVICE EXPO - OSAKA
once a year |
Osaka (Japan)
Intex Osaka
11/19/2025 3 days |
RETAIL SHOW FAIRTrade show for retail in Poland. Equipment, technologies and services, store layout, cash registers, scales, security, sales chain management, e-commerce, loyalty, financial services and advice...
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Warszawskie Centrum EXPO XXI
11/19/2025 2 days |
RETAIL SHOW POLANDThe biggest, annual, B2B retail event in Poland - Exhibition of Equipment, Technology and Services for Retail. Shop fittings, cash registers, scales, security and protection systems, IT systems for retail chain management, e-commerce solutions, etc
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Warszawskie Centrum EXPO XXI
11/19/2025 2 days |
SALES INNOVATION EXPOEurope’s leading sales event. Sales Innovation Expo's mission is to offer innovation and inspiration to sales professionals
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/19/2025 2 days |
SALES INNVOVATION EXPOSales Innovation Expo delivers innovation and inspiration to Sales Professionals so they can transform the way they work and drive their organisation's growth
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/19/2025 2 days |
SMART BUILDING EXPOOn of the most important expo-forum dedicated to digital technologies in Building Industry. Interoperability, news and previews on the ultimate digital devices for security, entertainment and interactivity
every 2 years |
Milan (Italy)
Fiera Milano, Rho
11/19/2025 3 days |
SMART GRID EXPO - OSAKAJapan's largest show for Electricity Retail Business & Smart Grid Expo
once a year |
Osaka (Japan)
Intex Osaka
11/19/2025 3 days |
WIRE & CABLE VIETNAMInternational specialized exhibition of cables, wires, fastening hardware, and installation technology
once a year |
Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC
11/19/2025 3 days |
GHANA TRADE SHOWThe Largest Commercial & Industrial Fair in Ghana. GHANA TRADE SHOW features Automotive, Building & Construction, Consumer & Household products, Food & Hotel Supplies, Industrial & Machinery, IT & Electronics, Medical & Pharma, Plasics & Rubber, Packagin
once a year |
Accra (Ghana)
Accra International Conference Centre – Grand Arena
11/20/2025 3 days |
INDIA WAREHOUSING & LOGISTICS SHOWIndian Warehousing and Logistics Exhibition. Find innovative warehousing, material handling, automation, storage, logistics and supply chain solutions
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/20/2025 3 days |
INTERPAEDAGOGICATrade Fair For Teaching Aids, School Equipment, Kindergarten, Fitness and Sports Equipment
once a year |
Vienna (Austria)
Messezentrum Wien (Vienna Exhibition Centre)
11/20/2025 3 days |
PAX UNPLUGGEDPAX Unplugged is a tabletop gaming-focused event specifically tailored to lovers of board games, RPGs, miniatures, cards, and more
once a year |
Philadelphia, PA (USA)
11/21/2025 3 days |
CNR BOOK FAIR - MERSINPublishing, e-Publishing & Technologies Fair. CNR Mersin Book Fair witnessed more than 500 autograph signings, as well as panels and interviews for 9 days, and became one of the most important cultural event of the Mediterranean Region
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
11/22/2025 9 days |
RADIOAMATORE 2Radio-ham, Electronics and Home Computer Trade Fair
once a year |
Pordenone (Italy)
Pordenone Fiere
11/22/2025 2 days |
BEST5 ALGERIA ELECTRICITY EXPOAlgeria International Electricity, Power Generation & IT Exhibition. Being attended by prominent electrical companies, equipment manufacturers & vendors, the expo offers participants the opportunity to network, learn about new technologies...
once a year |
Algiers (Algeria)
Palais des Expositions d'Alger - Safex
11/24/2025 4 days |
BLACK HAT MEABlack Hat Briefings is a computer security conference that brings together a variety of people interested in InfoSec (Information Security)
once a year |
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Riyadh International Exhibition Centre
11/24/2025 3 days |
FUTUREFMFutureFM drives innovation and digitalization and leverages cutting-edge technologies to improve the efficiency, sustainability and resilience of facilities, automate repetitive tasks, improve the lives of area residents
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
11/24/2025 4 days |
GEOWORLDGeoWorld, the only event of its kind in the MEASA region, highlights the rapid growth of the geospatial sector supported by a combination of large-scale projects across various sectors such as construction, oil & gas, e-commerce and agriculture
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
11/24/2025 4 days |
LIVEABLECITIESXEvent designed to Tackle sustainable urban development, shape future city planning, and attract investments
once a year |
Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre)
11/24/2025 4 days |
TECH FOR RETAILEuropean exhibition of Innovative Retail. The entire show is designed and conceived to multiply exchanges between the major players in Retail and the creators of innovation
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
11/24/2025 2 days |
BE 4.0 INDUSTRIES DU FUTURThe fair is a tri-national (France, Germany, Switzerland) rendezvous for a successful transformation to the industry of the future
once a year |
Mulhouse (France)
Mulhouse - Parc des Expositions
11/25/2025 2 days |
E-CRIME & CYBERSECURITY BENELUXCongress on cybercriminality and online-protection. E-Crime congress designed to meet the needs of professionals from the private sector & government enterprise IT departments, delivers critical information, examples of practice & practical case studies
once a year |
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
11/25/2025 1 day |
FACILITIES SHOWThis exhibition aims all those who contribute to making the workplace deliver. The event will bring buyers responsible for the maintenance, running and management of workplaces together with a variety of leading suppliers from facilities management, healt
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/25/2025 3 days |
FACILITIES SHOW (ON LINE)This exhibition aims all those who contribute to making the workplace deliver. The event will bring buyers responsible for the maintenance, running and management of workplaces together with a variety of leading suppliers from facilities management, healt
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/25/2025 3 days |
HEALTHCARE MEETINGSFrom logistics to hygiene, including IT protection, cybersecurity and the patient environment, Healthcare Meetings will give you the opportunity to discover all the changes in health, social and medico-social establishments
once a year |
Cannes (France)
Palais des Festivals de Cannes
11/25/2025 3 days |
INTERMAINTENANCEMeetings for solutions and innovations in Maintenance. INTERMAINTENANCE brings together all the players in the sector: equipment manufacturers, CMMS software publishers, augmented reality, remote maintenance, etc.
once a year |
Lyon (France)
Double Mixte, Lyon
11/25/2025 2 days |
SPS - SMART PRODUCTION SOLUTIONSSPS covers the entire spectrum of smart and digital automation – from simple sensors to intelligent solutions, from what is feasible today to the vision of a fully digitalized industrial world
once a year |
Nuremberg (Germany)
Le Méridien Grand Hotel, Nuremberg
11/25/2025 3 days |
WARSAW SECURITY EXPOInternational fair of safeguard and security systems. The 'Warsaw Security Expo' will feature manufacturers and service providers of data analytics, industrial security, cyber security, VIP protection, rescue equipment, and convoys...
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Ptak Warsaw Expo
11/25/2025 3 days |
BEGE EXPOExpo devoted to Equipment and services in the field of Entertainment Business and Leisure Industry
once a year |
Sofia (Bulgaria)
Inter Expo Center
11/26/2025 2 days |
EASTERN EUROPEAN GAMING SUMMIT (EEGS)International conference on online gaming. Held alongside the Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo (BEGE), the Eastern European Gaming Summit brings together experts from gaming industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the Balkans
once a year |
Sofia (Bulgaria)
Inter Expo Center
11/26/2025 2 days |
ILAJ - INTERNATIONAL LEISURE & ATTRACTION JAPANOnly Exhibition for the Theme Park, Live, Theater and Leisure Sports Industries in Japan
every 2 years |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
11/26/2025 3 days |
JAVME - JAKARTA AUDIO VIDEO MUSIC EXPOJAVME is an industrial exhibition for the creative industry's multimedia needs, including audio, video, lighting, music, and other supporting instruments
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
11/26/2025 4 days |
LEGALEXThe UK’s leading event for business growth, professional development and cyber security in the legal sector
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
11/26/2025 2 days |
LEISURE JAPANLeisure Japan is the largest exhibition in Japan with attractions, contents and services for theme parks, as well as outdoor equipment and services that are rapidly expanding in demand around the world
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
11/26/2025 3 days |