FLOWERSEXPOInternational Exhibition of flowers, plants, equipment and materials for ornamental gardening and flower business
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DE BÉRÉ - CHÂTEAUBRIANTTrade Fair of Béré - Châteaubriant. Trade fair, Livestock area, Equestrian area, Fairground, Activities...
once a year |
Châteaubriant (France)
Foire de Béré
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE EXPO HAUT-SAÔNOISE – VESOULThis Fair brings together professionals in the fields of Housing, Furniture, Leisure, Well-being, Food, Catering, Bars, Automobiles and many others!
once a year |
Vesoul (France)
Parc des Expositions de Haute-Saône
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE CHATOUSecondhand trade fair, antiques and regional products from Chatou (near Paris)
twice a year |
Chatou (France)
Île des Impressionnistes
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE MARSEILLEMarseille International Fair. Gastronomy and Terroir, Home & Habitat, Beauty & Well-being, Automotive, Outdoor leisure, Sports, Motorcycles, Boats, Crafts and World Cuisines...
once a year |
Marseille (France)
Parc Chanot
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE SAINT-ÉTIENNEThe Saint-Étienne Fair is the largest pop-up store in the region, offering a diverse offering in all sectors of daily life, exterior design, home equipment, mobility, leisure, well-being, culture, gastronomy, etc...
once a year |
Saint-Étienne (France)
Parc Expo de Saint-Etienne
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE-EXPOSITION DE VERDUNVerdun Fair-Exhibition. With more than 40, 000 visitors, the Verdun National Fair is the first family event in the Meuse department
once a year |
Verdun (France)
Verdun Expo Meuse
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOUR OAKS TRADE SHOWUk's premier Ornamental Horticulture show. Huge displays of plant material, supplies & services from production to point-of-sale. Profile includes commercial growers/retailers, garden centers, farm shops, landscapers & architects, designers and florists
once a year |
Macclesfield (UK - United Kingdom)
Four Oaks Nurseries
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FRAGRANZEInternational show dedicated to artistic perfumery, home fragrances, beauty, and wellness
once a year |
Florence (Italy)
Stazione Leopolda
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GAI - FOOD BEVERAGE AND HOSPITALITY EXHIBITIONFood & Beverage Hospitality Exhibition is focused exclusively on food, beverage & hospitality, the first and only of its kind in Nepal in recognition of the tremendous growth in the sector
once a year |
Kathmandu (Nepal)
Bhrikuti Mandap Exhibition Hall
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GAME EXPO MINSKMinsk Exhibition & Festival of the Game Industry. Developers and publishers of electronic games, gaming computers, tablets, consoles, mobile devices, smartphones and portable devices, Board games, accessories of heroes of computer games...
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GAMESFORUM LONDONB2B Conference about the Business of Games. Join the GAMESFORUM LONDON for an immersive event dedicated to exploring the dynamic landscape of ad monetization in mobile games
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
155 Bishopsgate, London
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GIROCÀMPING PROProfessional Camping Tourism Congress in the Girona region (Spain)
once a year |
Girona (Spain)
Palacio de Congresos de Girona
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GLEEUK's leading garden event for retailers. GLEE attracts 9, 000 buyers from leading retailers to garden centres, DIY stores who fish for fertilizers, garden tools, bulbs, seeds, garden machinery, decking, fencing, garden buildings & structures, paving...
once a year |
Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom)
National Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GO ENTREPRENEURS - LYONStart-up & Expanding French Companies Exhibition
once a year |
Lyon (France)
La Sucrière
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GOODGUYS COLORADO NATIONALSFinest Car Fair in Loveland. GOODGUYS COLORADO NATIONALSfeatures attractive hot rods, muscle automobiles, classic vehicles, vintage models, trucks, Tools & kits, Street machines, automotive, used cars, customized personal vehicles
once a year |
Loveland, CO (USA)
The Ranch - Larimer County Fairgrounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GOODGUYS LONE STAR NATIONALS FORT WORTHFinest Car Fair in Texas. GOODGUYS LONE STAR NATIONALS FORT WORTH features attractive hot rods, muscle automobiles, classic vehicles, vintage models, trucks, Tools & kits, Street machines, automotive, used cars, customized personal vehicles
once a year |
Fort Worth, TX (USA)
Texas Motor Speedway
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GRAND OCÉANPublic event dedicated to the discovery of the oceans. About forty renowned scientists and historians, sailors, explorers and ocean lovers & actors from major companies will share their passion and expertise with you
once a year |
Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (France)
Cité de la Mer
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GREEN IS LIFEInternational Fair of plants, garden technique and landscaping. Garden Plant. nursery stock (ornamental and fruit) trees, shrubs, perennials, climbers, grasses, Technologies, Equipment, Materials, Decorations...
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Warszawskie Centrum EXPO XXI
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HAUS + HOFHaus & Hof brings together three complementary areas under one roof: construction, living and furnishing. You will find a wide choice of products and services for the home
once a year |
Magdeburg (Germany)
Messegelände Magdeburg
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HERBST MESSEExhibition dedicated to Living & Furnishing, House & Crafts, Household & Kitchen, Health & Wellness, Beauty & Lifestyle, Gastronomy & Enjoyment, Family & Information...
once a year |
Dornbirn (Austria)
Dornbirner Messe
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HERBSTZAUBER - KASSELEnjoy the end of summer in the beautiful surroundings of Staatspark Karlsaue. Perennial plants, rare ornamental shrubs, winter herbs and flowers, vegetable garden plants. A regional culinary offer. Lots of ideas for the garden and the house
once a year |
Kassel (Germany)
Staatspark Karlsaue
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HERBSTZAUBER - LAUBACHEnjoy the end of summer in the beautiful surroundings of Laubach Castle. Perennial plants, rare ornamental shrubs, winter herbs and flowers, vegetable garden plants. A regional culinary offer. Lots of ideas for the garden and the house
once a year |
Laubach (Germany)
Schloss Laubach
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HITS CHAMPIONSHIP LAKE SAUGERTIES, NYEndureance Sports Expo in Saugerties, NY. HITS CHAMPIONSHIP SAUGERTIES, NY is a sporting event for running, hiking, swimming, biking featuring wellness & fitness seminars, nutritionists, training experts, all fitness products & services for Triathlon
once a year |
Saugerties, NY (USA)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HOLY RUSSIA - IRKUTSKChurch Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education
once a year |
Irkutsk (Russia)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HOME OF TOURISMOTDYKH Leisure Travel Market is Russia’s leading travel trade fair for inbound and outbound markets, bringing together dozens of key players from every area of the tourism sector
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Timiryazev Engineering Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HOUSEHOLD EXPOInternational specialized Household Goods Exhibition. The largest on the territory of Russia and Eastern Europe trade exposition of cookware, goods for children, gifts, toys, plastic items, household goods...
twice a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HUNTING AND FISHING IN RUSSIARussian Hunting and Fishing International Expo. More than 700 Russian and foreign companies take part in the exhibition
twice a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IAAPA EXPO EUROPEInternational Exhibition of Equipment, Products and Services for the theme Park and Attractions Industry
once a year |
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IDEAL HOME EXPOIdeal Home Expo is the place for homeowners to obtain everything for their home and workplace. It brings together the best home and living companies in Pakistan. Home & interior design, renovation, furniture, landscaping, swimming pools...
once a year |
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IDEANDOA show dedicated to creativity. You'll find raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity and hobbies. Our exhibitors will be running a wide range of courses and demonstrations to help you develop your hobbies
once a year |
Pescara (Italy)
Pescara Fiere
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IFEX CHINAKunming International Flower, Plants & Garden Exhibition. IFEX showcases various types of flowers, plants, and horticultural and outdoor products
once a year |
Kunming (China)
Kunming International Convention & Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IFTM - TOP RESAInternational Tourism & Travel Exhibition in France. IFTM is a multi-targeted trade show for tourism and travel - Business, Leisure, Groups, MICE (Meetings, Incentive, Conferences, Exhibitions / Events)
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IIHT EXPO - HARDWARE & TOOLS EXPOIndia International Hardware & Tools Expo. IIHT, India’s Largest and only kind of B2B exhibition focuses on the need for High-end Hand Tools, Power Tools, Fasteners & Specialty Tools etc.
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
IICC (India International Convention & Expo Centre) - Yashobhoomi Convention Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IL SALONE DEL CAMPERFair dedicated to caravanning and outdoor tourism. Il Salone del Camper is a benchmark for camper lovers and more. The newer vehicles to the campsite tents & equipment; all the ideal destinations for openair tourism, the italian culinary, etc
once a year |
Parma (Italy)
Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IN-COSMETICS LATIN AMERICAThe leading event in Latin America for personal care ingrédients. The exhibition brings together international exhibitors of ingredients, fragrances, lab equipment, testing and regulatory solutions with over 4.000 Latin American cosmetic manufacturers
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Expo Center Norte
Sept. 2026 (?) |
INDIANAPOLIS FALL BOAT & RV SHOWThe Indianapolis Fall Boat & RV Show offers the unique opportunity for consumers to see, try and buy from a wide selection of new, used and end-of-year boat and RV models at unbeatable prices
once a year |
Indianapolis, IN (USA)
Indiana State Fairgrounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
INTERCHARM UKRAINEINTERCHARM UKRAINE is the largest and most reputable international event of the beauty industry in the Ukrainian market
once a year |
Kiev (Ukraine)
Kiev International Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
INTERDIVEInternational Diving, Snorkeling and Travel Show
once a year |
Friedrichshafen (Germany)
Messegelände Friedrichshafen
Sept. 2026 (?) |
INTERDIVE - FRIEDRICHSHAFENInternational Diving, Snorkeling and Travel Show
once a year |
Friedrichshafen (Germany)
Messegelände Friedrichshafen
Sept. 2026 (?) |
INTERIOR LIFESTYLE CHINAChina International Trade Fair for Household Products and Accessories
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
Sept. 2026 (?) |
ISG WORLD CONFERENCE OF GERONTECHNOLOGYWorld Conference for Gerontechnology. Discover the cutting-edge developments and emerging trends that promise to reshape how we age
once a year |
Frankfurt (Germany)
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IT&CMAThe Leading International MICE (Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) Event Centered In Asia-Pacific
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
ITCN ASIAInformation Technology, Telecommunications, E-Commerce, Wireless, Gaming, Digital Entertainment
twice a year |
Karachi (Pakistan)
Karachi Expo Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
JAPAN WEEKEND MADRIDFans of manga, anime and Japanese culture meet at Japan Weekend Madrid, which is the biggest pop culture event in Spain
twice a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
Sept. 2026 (?) |
JEWELLERY AND GEM FAIR - DELHIProfessional B2B trade show for the Gem & Jewellery Industry. Gujarat Jewellery and Gem Fair showcases Fine Finished Gold Jewellery Gemstones, Pearls, Diamonds, Silver Jewellery, Machinery & Equipment, Packaging & Display, Ancillary Services Provider
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
NSIC Exhibition Grounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
JUNWEX MOSCOWJewelry Wholesale Fair. JUNWEX Moscow is a professional business platform for manufacturing and trading jewelry enterprises and companies in the field of jewelry technology, equipment, packaging and software
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
VDNH Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
KARADENIZ BOOK FAIRKARADENIZ BOOK FAIR makes significant contributions to the social and cultural life of Samsun city and its surroundings. It hosts a series of cultural events including panels, interviews, workshops, children's activities, book signings...
once a year |
Samsun (Turkey)
Tüyap Damsun Fair and Congress Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
KIND + JUGENDInternational Baby to Teenager Fair. As an established trade and trend platform for baby and toddler outfitting, Kind + Jugend fair provides valuable impulses for the upcoming trends of the entire industry each year
once a year |
Cologne (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Cologne
Sept. 2026 (?) |
LA JOURNÉE DU LIVRE ANCIEN ET DES AUTEURSDía del Libro Antiguo y de los Autores, en el marco de las Jornadas del Patrimonio. Un tema central: las grandes damas de la literatura, escritoras, viajeras, poetas, científicas... Entrevistas, conferencias, eventos
once a year |
Entrevaux (France)
Salle Polyvalente d'Entrevaux
Sept. 2026 (?) |