
Multimedia Technologies
Trade shows
2025 - 2026


ICT - Information & Communications Technologies

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301 Trade Shows related to Multimedia Technologies
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FIERA DELL’ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO - MODENAExhibition / market dedicated to enthusiasts, amateurs, collectors and users of consumer electronics once a year Modena (Italy) Modena Fiere 04/11/2025
3 days
GLOBAL SOURCES CONSUMER ELECTRONICSFair providing an array of in-demand electronics from OEM/ODM suppliers, presenting the latest products poised to influence global market trends twice a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 04/11/2025
4 days
GRAFINCAVisual Communication & Advertising Show. Grafinca offers your company the opportunity, so that, with a low investment, you can be a protagonist and share the same stage with the large companies in the sector once a year Lima (Peru) UPC - Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas 04/11/2025
3 days
HONG KONG ELECTRONICS FAIRConsumer Electronics, Audio/Visual, Communications, and Multimedia Marketplace once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 04/13/2025
4 days
INFOCOMM CHINAInformation & communication exhibition. InfoComm showcases the latest technologies in Multimedia and Corporate Communications, video, display, projection, lighting & staging, digital signage, digital content creation, networking, signal distribution once a year Beijing (China) China National Convention Center 04/16/2025
3 days
WEGAMEInternational exhibition of interactive entertainment in Ukraine once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center 04/16/2025
2 days
GLOBAL SOURCES MOBILE ELECTRONICSFair showcasing innovative and branded designs in mobile devices, smart wearables, charging products, smart energy, and mobile accessories twice a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 04/18/2025
4 days
DIGITAL AFRICAN SUMMITThe Digital African Summit is an event dedicated to digital innovation in Africa. Join Africa's brightest innovators and explore the future of African technology at our summit once a year Algiers (Algeria) Palais des Expositions d'Alger - Safex 04/21/2025
3 days
PROINTEGRATION TECHAudiovisual and Information & Communication Technologies Trade Show. Systems Integration. Digital Signage once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
2 days
SVIAZ/EXPO COMM MOSCOWInternational Telecommunications, Wireless and Broadband Technology Exhibition and Conference once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
4 days
EDIX - EDUCATIONAL IT SOLUTIONS EXPOEducational IT Solutions Expo (EDIX) gathers top IT service providers, electronic manufacturers and content providers, who aim to expand their business in the Japanese education field once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 04/23/2025
3 days
INTERNATIONAL SIGN EXPOAnnual event for the global sign industry. See, demo and buy everything you need to be successful in the sign, graphics and visual communications industry at ISA International Sign Expo once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) 04/23/2025
3 days
JAPAN IT WEEK SPRINGJapan IT Week is Japan's leading IT and Digital Transformation (DX) show, bringing together a series of simultaneous exhibitions that cater to various facets of the IT industry once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 04/23/2025
3 days
RADIOAMATORE HI-FI CARTrade show of Equipment for Radio Hams, Transmitters and Transceivers, Antennas and Accessories, Electronic Components, Computers, Hi-Fi Car Equipment once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere 04/25/2025
3 days
THE SCANDINAVIAN SCI-FI, GAME & FILM CONVENTION - MALMÖScandinavian Convention on Sci-Fi, Game & Film. Cosplay competitions and numerous stage activities once a year Malmö (Sweden) Slagthuset 04/26/2025
2 days
BETT BRAZIL - EDUCARInternational conference & exhibition for education, learning technologies & Information and Communications Technologies once a year São Paulo (Brazil) Transamérica Expo Center 04/28/2025
4 days
GAMESCOM LATAMGamescom LatAm is the largest business hub for the gaming industry in Latin America. It is also the largest independent games festival in the region, one of the largest in the world once a year São Paulo (Brazil) São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 04/30/2025
5 days
HORECA INDONESIAHORECA INDONESIA includes: Bar/Kitchen Counters & Accessories, Laundry Equipment & Accessories, In Room Technologies/Entertainment, Housekeeping Supplies/Service, Hospitality Management, Security, Spa & Health Equipment, Catering Services Equipment... once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition 04/30/2025
4 days
LEARNING TECHNOLOGIESLearning Technologies is Europe's leading showcase of organisational learning and the technology used to support learning at work once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 04/30/2025
2 days
LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES UKLearning Technologies is UK's leading showcase of organisational learning and the technology used to support learning at work once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 04/30/2025
2 days
PHILIPPINES RETAIL & ECOMMERCE INNOVATION SUMMITThe summit aims at retailers both in-store and online, to help businesses thrive in the highly disruptive retail sector. Business Agility, Future Retail Stores, Experiential Initiatives, Supply Chain & Home Delivery... once a year Manila (Philippines) Marriott Hotel, Manila May 2025
EXPO ELETTRONICA - FORLIExpo Elettronica brings together the best exhibitors and a wide range of electronic, computer, energy saving, telephony, hardware and software, satellite reception, accessories and components for all uses twice a year Forli (Italy) Fiera di Forlì 05/03/2025
2 days
EUROPEAN SIGN EXPOEuropean Sign Expo is Europe’s largest annual exhibition dedicated to the signage and visual communications industry once a year Berlin (Germany) 05/06/2025
4 days
LEARNTECInternational Trade Fair and Convention for Digital Learning – School, University, Corporate once a year Karlsruhe (Germany) Messe Karlsruhe 05/06/2025
3 days
ZUKUNFT PERSONAL SÜDZUKUNFT PERSONAL Süd in Stuttgart is the largest HR event in southern Germany. As the HR landscape in the southwest is dominated by the automotive industry and mechanical engineering, ZP Süd dedicates particular focus to these industries once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 05/06/2025
2 days
ELEARNING AFRICAInternational Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training once a year Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) JNICC - Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre 05/07/2025
3 days
WEB & MOBILE MARKETING EXPOWeb & Mobile Marketing Expo. Digital Marketing Expo (Web-Mo Spring) features a variety of solutions regarding marketing automation, AI, web marketing, adtech and video advertising once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 05/07/2025
3 days
PAX EASTPAX East is a celebration of gaming and gaming culture featuring thought a massive expo hall filled with the best publishers and studios, new game demos, musical performances, tournaments, and a community experience unlike any other once a year Boston, MA (USA) Boston Convention & Exhibition Center 05/08/2025
4 days
CONSUMER ELECTRONICS ASIA - LAHOREPakistan Consumer Electronics Trade Show. The Exhibition would serve as a comprehensive showcase of the latest in technology, equipment and machinery as well as allied services once a year Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore 05/09/2025
3 days
AAA EXPO - ASIA PARKS AND ATTRACTIONS EXPOAsia Parks and Attractions Expo. A leading event in the games, amusement, theme parks, and attractions industry in Asia, boasting the world's largest booth space and being recognized as Asia's largest amusement expo once a year Guangzhou (China) China Import and Export Fair Complex Area B 05/10/2025
3 days
ASIA DIGITAL DISPLAY & SHOWCASE EXPOAsia Digital Display & Showcase Expo. As an important component of the digital transformation, the digital display and showcase industry is bracing for high-speed growth and promising prospects once a year Guangzhou (China) China Import and Export Fair Complex Area B 05/10/2025
3 days
CONNECTIONSInternational Executive Conference for Digital Home Technologies. The connected home has evolved from a high-end concept toward a mass-market opportunity with incredible revenue potential once a year Plano, TX (USA) Renaissance Dallas at Plano Legacy West Hotel 05/13/2025
3 days
MPTS - MEDIA PRODUCTION & TECHNOLOGY SHOWTrade Show for leading manufacturers, distributors and resellers of professional production and broadcast equipment and systems once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Olympia Exhibition Centre 05/14/2025
2 days
NORDIC MOBILE EXPOThe Nordic region’s largest, most important and most influential meeting place for future mobile solutions once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 05/14/2025
2 days
STOCKHOLM TECH SHOWThe Nordic region's leading forum and networking venue for digital transformation technologies. The technologies of the future brought together under one roof. Meet visionaries, innovators, the most exciting companies and start-ups in the sector every 2 years Stockholm (Sweden) Kista Mässan 05/14/2025
2 days
PHOTO LONDONPhoto London is the leading international Fair in showcasing the very best of the past, present and future of photography, and celebrates the medium in all its forms once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Somerset House 05/15/2025
4 days
HEEE - HENAN EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT EXPOHEEE showcases new products and technologies of education equipment for a high-quality education system once a year Zhengzhou (China) Zhengzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center 05/16/2025
3 days
TECHNARTE BILBAOInternational Conference on Art and Technology. The aim is to present technological developments that enhance a broader expression of modern art, and to provide a forum for debate and reflection on the conference between technology and art once a year Bilbao (Spain) Palacio de Congresos Euskalduna 05/16/2025
1 day
ELECTRONICS SHOWInternational Trade Fair of Consumer Electronics is a place where leading companies providing hardware, technologies and services related to consumer electronics will be presented once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 05/20/2025
3 days
KOBAKorea International Broadcast, Audio & Lighting Equipment Show once a year Seoul (Korea South) COEX Exhibition Center 05/20/2025
4 days
NORDIC GAMEGathering thousands of industry professionals each year, Nordic Game is one of the leading games conferences in Europe once a year Malmö (Sweden) MalmöMässan 05/20/2025
4 days
PACPRINTPacPrint is the most comprehensive and relevant B2B event serving the evolving needs of the print, sign and graphics industries in Australia, New Zealand and across the Asia-Pacific region every 2 years Sydney (Australia) Sydney Showground - Olympic Park 05/20/2025
4 days
SAUDI ENTERTAINMENT AND AMUSEMENT (SEA) EXPOThe largest Gathering of the Entertainement and Leisure Industry in the Middle East once a year Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center - RFECC 05/20/2025
3 days
SAUDI LIGHT & SOUND (SLS) EXPOInternational trade event for professional lighting, live events, sound equipment and installation in Saudi Arabia once a year Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center - RFECC 05/20/2025
3 days
HEEC - HIGHER EDUCATION EXPO CHINAAsia's leading high-quality, comprehensive exhibition integrating higher education academic exchanges, modern education high-end equipment display, teacher professional development training, scientific research achievements transformation... twice a year Changchun (China) 05/23/2025
3 days
BROADCAST ASIAInternational Electronic Media Technology Exhibition & Conference. Incorporating CableSat, ProfessionalAudioTechnology, ComGraphics&Animation once a year Singapore (Singapore) Singapore Expo 05/27/2025
3 days
COMMUNICASIAInternational Communications and Information Technology Exhibition & Conference. Incorporating MobileCommAsia, NetworkAsia, SatComm once a year Singapore (Singapore) Singapore Expo 05/27/2025
3 days
DIGITALKICT forum gathering of 900+ startup founders, investors, entrepreneurs and business leaders... once a year Sofia (Bulgaria) Sofia Event Center 05/27/2025
1 day
SYRIA HITECHExhibition of Information and Communication Technologies. SYRIA HITech is the occasion that ICT experts and enthusiasts wait for on yearly basis, as it positioned itself as the most important ICT specialized exhibition in Syria once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 05/27/2025
5 days
IEAE - VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS & SMART APPLIANCES EXPO - HO CHI MINHVietnam International Electronics & Smart Appliances Expo. IEAE offers: Machinery, Electric Devices & Electronics, Technology Products & Components, Smart Appliances & Smart Home, LED Technology & Lighting System, Refrigeration, Household Electricity... once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC 05/29/2025
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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