Multimedia Technologies
Trade shows in April 2025


ICT - Information & Communications Technologies

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32 Trade Shows related to Multimedia Technologies in April 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ITCN ASIAInformation Technology, Telecommunications, E-Commerce, Wireless, Gaming, Digital Entertainment twice a year Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore April 2025
JAPAN IT WEEK TOKYOJapan IT Week is a B2B exhibition where the latest IT products and solutions gather in one place. Visit the show to implement new IT solutions and engage with optimal business partners once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 04/02/2025
3 days
HAUTS-DE-SEINE DIGITAL GAMESThis event promotes the educational uses of video games, digital technology and graphic arts, and encourages young people to discover the different schools, companies and professions in sectors such as virtual reality, AI, robotics, etc. once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 04/04/2025
2 days
PLAYModena International Games Festival once a year Bologna (Italy) Bologna Exhibition Centre 04/04/2025
3 days
GDANSKIE TARGI SZKÓL PONADPODSTAWOWYCHGdansk Secondary Schools Fair. The aim of the fair is to familiarize young people with the offer of secondary schools in Gdansk and to help them choose the best educational path once a year Gdansk (Poland) Amberexpo 04/05/2025
1 day
NAB RADIO SHOWRadio and advertising trade show. The broadcast, media and entertainment industry converges at the NAB Radio Show to experience innovation in action and harness the power of possibility once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) Las Vegas Convention Center 04/05/2025
5 days
NAB SHOWNAB Show is the must-attend event in broadcast, media and entertainment. 46, 000+ buyers come to discover new innovations, meet the people behind these products & services and purchase from the brands delivering cutting edge solutions once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) Las Vegas Convention Center 04/05/2025
5 days
TOY & EDU CHINAShenzhen International Toy & Education Fair. As one of the largest global toy markets, China's potential industry growth presents huge opportunities for domestic and international manufacturers and buyers once a year Shenzhen (China) Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center 04/07/2025
3 days
PROLIGHT+SOUNDInternational Trade Fair for Event and Communication Technology, AV-Production and Entertainment once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 04/08/2025
4 days
SETT STOCKHOLMEducation fair in the age of new digital technologies, dedicated to directors, teachers and techno-pedagogical advisors once a year Stockholm (Sweden) Kista Mässan 04/08/2025
3 days
MEDIA EXPO - MUMBAIInternational Indoor & Outdoor Advertising & Signage Expo once a year Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) 04/10/2025
3 days
FIERA DELL’ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO - MODENAExhibition / market dedicated to enthusiasts, amateurs, collectors and users of consumer electronics once a year Modena (Italy) Modena Fiere 04/11/2025
3 days
GLOBAL SOURCES CONSUMER ELECTRONICSFair providing an array of in-demand electronics from OEM/ODM suppliers, presenting the latest products poised to influence global market trends twice a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 04/11/2025
4 days
GRAFINCAVisual Communication & Advertising Show. Grafinca offers your company the opportunity, so that, with a low investment, you can be a protagonist and share the same stage with the large companies in the sector once a year Lima (Peru) UPC - Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas 04/11/2025
3 days
HONG KONG ELECTRONICS FAIRConsumer Electronics, Audio/Visual, Communications, and Multimedia Marketplace once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 04/13/2025
4 days
INFOCOMM CHINAInformation & communication exhibition. InfoComm showcases the latest technologies in Multimedia and Corporate Communications, video, display, projection, lighting & staging, digital signage, digital content creation, networking, signal distribution once a year Beijing (China) China National Convention Center 04/16/2025
3 days
WEGAMEInternational exhibition of interactive entertainment in Ukraine once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center 04/16/2025
2 days
GLOBAL SOURCES MOBILE ELECTRONICSFair showcasing innovative and branded designs in mobile devices, smart wearables, charging products, smart energy, and mobile accessories twice a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 04/18/2025
4 days
DIGITAL AFRICAN SUMMITThe Digital African Summit is an event dedicated to digital innovation in Africa. Join Africa's brightest innovators and explore the future of African technology at our summit once a year Algiers (Algeria) Palais des Expositions d'Alger - Safex 04/21/2025
3 days
PROINTEGRATION TECHAudiovisual and Information & Communication Technologies Trade Show. Systems Integration. Digital Signage once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
2 days
SVIAZ/EXPO COMM MOSCOWInternational Telecommunications, Wireless and Broadband Technology Exhibition and Conference once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
4 days
EDIX - EDUCATIONAL IT SOLUTIONS EXPOEducational IT Solutions Expo (EDIX) gathers top IT service providers, electronic manufacturers and content providers, who aim to expand their business in the Japanese education field once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 04/23/2025
3 days
INTERNATIONAL SIGN EXPOAnnual event for the global sign industry. See, demo and buy everything you need to be successful in the sign, graphics and visual communications industry at ISA International Sign Expo once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) 04/23/2025
3 days
THE SCANDINAVIAN SCI-FI, GAME & FILM CONVENTION - MALMÖScandinavian Convention on Sci-Fi, Game & Film. Cosplay competitions and numerous stage activities once a year Malmö (Sweden) Slagthuset 04/26/2025
2 days
BETT BRAZIL - EDUCARInternational conference & exhibition for education, learning technologies & Information and Communications Technologies once a year São Paulo (Brazil) Transamérica Expo Center 04/28/2025
4 days
GAMESCOM LATAMGamescom LatAm is the largest business hub for the gaming industry in Latin America. It is also the largest independent games festival in the region, one of the largest in the world once a year São Paulo (Brazil) São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 04/30/2025
5 days
HORECA INDONESIAHORECA INDONESIA includes: Bar/Kitchen Counters & Accessories, Laundry Equipment & Accessories, In Room Technologies/Entertainment, Housekeeping Supplies/Service, Hospitality Management, Security, Spa & Health Equipment, Catering Services Equipment... once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition 04/30/2025
4 days
LEARNING TECHNOLOGIESLearning Technologies is Europe's leading showcase of organisational learning and the technology used to support learning at work once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 04/30/2025
2 days
LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES UKLearning Technologies is UK's leading showcase of organisational learning and the technology used to support learning at work once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 04/30/2025
2 days
LEARNING & HR TECH SOLUTIONSLearning & HR Tech Solutions Conference and Expo is an event centered around the integration between learning and HR technologies, fostering the growing collaboration between L&D and HR workflows once a year Orlando, FL (USA) Rosen Plaza Hotel April 2025 (?)
RADIOAMATORE HI-FI CARTrade show of Equipment for Radio Hams, Transmitters and Transceivers, Antennas and Accessories, Electronic Components, Computers, Hi-Fi Car Equipment once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere April 2025 (?)
SCHOLASTICAScholastica is a specialised trade exhibition for education, careers and training in Zimbabwe. Education and training professionals and institutions have the platform to display the latest trends and innovations in their sectors once a year Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre (ZIEC) April 2025 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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