SOMMET CHAÎNE MONDIALE D’APPROVISIONNEMENT AÉROSPATIALEThe largest gathering of aerospace procurement decision makers in Canada. It was created to stimulate exchanges on best practices and facilitate collaborations between industry players |
every 2 years |
Montreal, QC (Canada)
03/25/2025 3 days |
AMPP ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPOThe largest international corrosion and coatings trade show & congress |
once a year |
Nashville, TN (USA)
04/06/2025 5 days |
SIB - SALON INDUSTRIEL DU BAS SAINT LAURENTIndustrial Expo in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region. The event brings together distributors, suppliers and service companies with the know-how needed for development and growth of businesses in the region |
every 2 years |
Rimouski, QC (Canada)
Hôtel Rimouski and Rimouski convention centre
04/08/2025 2 days |
EXPOMAFEInternational Machine Tools and Automation Industrial Exhibition. The greatest and most anticipated fair in the Metal-Mechanical sector in Latin America |
every 2 years |
São Paulo (Brazil)
São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
05/06/2025 5 days |
FABTECH MEXICOShowcasing Metal Stamping, Forming, and Fabricating Equipment and Services in Mexico |
once a year |
Monterrey (Mexico)
05/06/2025 3 days |
ICMCTFInternational Conference on Metallurgical Coatings Thin Films. ICMCTF is an international technical conference that integrates fundamental & applied research focused on thin film deposition, characterization & advanced surface modification techniques |
once a year |
San Diego, CA (USA)
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
05/11/2025 6 days |
EASTECThe great Northeast Manufacturing & Advanced Productivity trade show. Three days of exploring innovative manufacturing technologies, discovering hundreds of suppliers, learning from industry experts, and networking with other professionals |
every 2 years |
West Springfield, MA (USA)
Eastern States Exposition Grounds
05/13/2025 3 days |
ATX EASTThe All-New Automation Resource conference & exhibition. Discover and collaborate on automation solutions that are revolutionizing the entire production lifecycle — from design to production to market |
every 2 years |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
05/20/2025 3 days |
IM ENGINEERING EASTIM ENGINEERING EAST is connecting the MedTech, Packaging, Automation, Design, and Plastics Industries Through the Premier Advanced Manufacturing Event in the US |
every 2 years |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
05/20/2025 3 days |
ALUMINIUM USAMeeting place for suppliers of raw material, semi-finished and finished products, surface treatment and producers of machinery, plant and equipment for aluminum processing and manufacturing |
every 2 years |
Nashville, TN (USA)
Music City Center
05/28/2025 2 days |
WESTERN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SHOWWestern Manufacturing Technology Show. For more than 30 years, top manufacturers in Western Canada have attended WMTS looking for new ideas, solutions and suppliers to help them gain a competitive edge |
every 2 years |
Edmonton, AB (Canada)
Edmonton Expo Centre
06/03/2025 3 days |
DESIGN & MANUFACTURING ATLANTICCAD/CAM/PDM - Contract Service Providers in Plastics Processing, CNC Manufacturing, Sheet Metal, Subassemblies, Electronic Components and R&D Services |
every 2 years |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
06/10/2025 3 days |
POWDERMETInternational Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. POWDERMET will present over 80 leading companies featuring the latest PM equipment, powders, products, & services. This is a great opportunity to meet worldwide industry suppliers |
once a year |
Phoenix, AZ (USA)
06/15/2025 4 days |
INTERMACH BRASILInternational Fair and Congress of Technology, Machines, Equipment, Automation and Services for Metal-Mechanical Industries |
every 2 years |
Joinville SC (Brazil)
Complexo Expoville
July 2025 |
CONFERENCE OF METALLURGISTS - COMAnnual Conference of Metallurgists. COM is Canada’s premier event for the Metallurgy and Materials industries, an opporunity to showcase your products/services all the while networking, learning and socializing |
once a year |
Montreal, QC (Canada)
07/07/2025 4 days |
MEC SHOWMetalmechanic, Energy and Automation Fair |
once a year |
Serra, Espírito Santo (Brazil)
Carapina Centro de Eventos
08/05/2025 3 days |
FICA - FERIA INDUSTRIAL DEL CARAIBEIndustrial Fair of the Caribbean. FICA is the platform for business and industrial contacts that promotes the technological and commercial exchange of goods and services for the productive industries of the Caribbean region |
every 2 years |
Barranquilla (Colombia)
Puerta de Oro, Centro de Convenciones del Caribe
Sept. 2025 |
FABTECHNorth America's Largest Welding, Metal Forming and Fabricating Event. FABTECH provides a convenient 'one stop shop' venue where you can meet with world-class suppliers, see the latest industry products & developments, etc |
once a year |
Chicago, IL (USA)
09/08/2025 4 days |
CONSTRU METALCONSTRUMETAL is the major metal construction event in Latin America. Through innovative solutions in sustainability and economics, the congress promotes modernization, security and market efficiency |
every 2 years |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Allianz Parque
09/09/2025 1 day |
TITANIUM USAConference & Exhibition devoted to the worldwide titanium industry. Titanium USA will serve as a premier networking venue for business exécutives and consumers of titanium alike |
once a year |
Boston, MA (USA)
09/28/2025 4 days |
CMTS - CANADIAN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SHOWFor many years, the CMTS audience from within Canada’s leading industries including automotive and aerospace have come together to source solutions and knowledge from the global leaders in machine tools & tooling, metalworking, and advanced manufacturing |
every 2 years |
Toronto, ON (Canada)
Toronto Congress Centre
09/29/2025 4 days |
INDUSTRIE TRANSITION USAThe conference unites executive leaders from mining, metals, chemicals, transportation and other hard-to-abate industries, to accelerate deep decarbonization, forge new cross-sector coalitions and deliver net zero on an industrial scale |
once a year |
Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
Oct. 2025 (?) |
METALURGIAInternational Fair and Congress on Technology for Foundry, Steel Mills, Forging, Aluminum and Services |
every 2 years |
Joinville SC (Brazil)
Complexo Expoville
10/07/2025 4 days |
WESTECWeqtec draws together key decision makers, major tool and technology suppliers and thought leaders from across a broad spectrum of manufacturing disciplines for an unparalleled three-day experience |
every 2 years |
Anaheim, CA (USA)
10/07/2025 3 days |
WISCONSIN MANUFACTURING & TECHNOLOGY SHOW (WMTS)Metalworking and Manufacturing Tool Trade Show. Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show (WMTS) is an opportunity to promote and enhance your company and products in the Midwest’s premier metalworking and manufacturing tool show |
every 2 years |
Milwaukee, WI (USA)
Wisconsin Expo Center / State Fair Park
10/07/2025 3 days |
SPIE OPTIFABAmerica's Premier Event for Optical Fabrication. Optifab, a unique technical focus on classical & advanced optical manufacturing technologies, offers attendees a great opportunity to interact with worldwide experts in the field of optical fabrication |
every 2 years |
Rochester, NY (USA)
Rochester Riverside Convention Center
10/20/2025 4 days |
ADVANCED DESIGN & MANUFACTURING MINNEAPOLISDesign & Manufacturing Solutions Expo. Design & Manufacturing features the latest technology & services in 3D printing, CAD/CAM/CAE software, CMMs & DMMs, contract manufacturing, laser machines, rapid prototyping, R&D testing equipment & services |
once a year |
Minneapolis, MN (USA)
Minneapolis Convention Center
10/21/2025 2 days |
ATX MINNEAPOLISThe All-New Automation Resource. Conference & Exhibition. Discover and collaborate on automation solutions that are revolutionizing the entire production lifecycle — from design to production to market |
once a year |
Minneapolis, MN (USA)
Minneapolis Convention Center
10/21/2025 2 days |
DESIGN & MANUFACTURING CANADAThe latest systems, products, and solutions covering the entire manufacturing process from design through distribution |
every 2 years |
Toronto, ON (Canada)
Toronto Congress Centre
10/21/2025 3 days |
METALCON INTERNATIONALInternational trade show & conference for the metal construction industry. Metalcon focuses on the innovation and evolution of metal construction products and peripherals including services, equipment and technology |
once a year |
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
10/21/2025 3 days |
SOUTH-TECSouth-Tec connects decision makers from diverse industries with leading suppliers of advanced manufacturing technology, equipment and tooling |
every 2 years |
Greenville, SC (USA)
Greenville, SC Convention Center
10/21/2025 3 days |
SIT - SALON INDUSTRIEL DE TERREBONNEIndustrial Expo in Terrebonne, QC. The event brings together distributors, suppliers and service companies with the know-how needed for development and growth of businesses in the region |
every 2 years |
Terrebonne, QC (Canada)
Centre Expo Terrebonne
10/22/2025 2 days |
WIRE SOUTH AMERICAInternational Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair |
every 2 years |
São Paulo (Brazil)
São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
10/29/2025 3 days |
IMECEInternational Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. ASME’s International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE®) is your opportunity to connect with leading researchers from across engineering disciplines |
once a year |
? (USA)
Nov. 2025 (?) |
HOUSTEXHoustex draws together key decision makers, major tool and technology suppliers and thought leaders from across a broad spectrum of manufacturing disciplines for an unparalleled three-day experience |
every 2 years |
Houston, TX (USA)
George R. Brown Convention Center
11/04/2025 3 days |
ATX WESTATX West is where these brands meet to connect and showcase industrial machinery, AI, and robotics, and maintenance advancements to provide premier automation solutions for your company |
once a year |
Anaheim, CA (USA)
Anaheim Convention Center
02/03/2026 3 days |
DESIGN & MANUFACTURING WESTAt D&M West see live in-action cutting-edge technology and services that will transform design and manufacturing processes to become more intelligent and efficient |
once a year |
Anaheim, CA (USA)
Anaheim Convention Center
02/03/2026 3 days |
EXPO MANUFACTURAManufacturing Productivity Exhibition, featuring Assembly Technology, Quality, Metalworking and Software Pavilion |
once a year |
Monterrey (Mexico)
02/03/2026 3 days |
IM ENGINEERING WESTIM ENGINEERING WEST is connecting the MedTech, Packaging, Automation, Design, and Plastics Industries Through the Premier Advanced Manufacturing Event in the US |
once a year |
Anaheim, CA (USA)
Anaheim Convention Center
02/03/2026 3 days |
EXPO PRODUCCIÓNExpo Producción provides a vital, professional platform for manufacturers, brands, retailers and suppliers to connect, network and learn about the newest trends, products and innovations impacting the industry |
every 2 years |
Mexico City (Mexico)
Centro Citibanamex
March 2026 (?) |
SIMEC - SALON INDUSTRIEL DE LA MAURICIE, ESTRIE ET DU CENTRE-DU-QUÉBECIndustrial Expo in the Estrie region. The event brings together distributors, suppliers and service companies with the know-how needed for development and growth of businesses in the region |
every 2 years |
Drummondville, QC (Canada)
Centrexpo Cogeco Drummondville
04/22/2026 2 days |
FEIMECFEIMEC - International Fair of Machine Tools and Equipment, consolidated as one of the largest events in Latin America in the industry |
every 2 years |
São Paulo (Brazil)
São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
05/05/2026 5 days |
SALON INDUSTRIEL DE L’ABITIBI-TÉMISCAMINGUEIndustrial Expo in the Abitibi-Témiscaminque region. The event brings together distributors, suppliers and service companies with the know-how needed for development and growth of businesses in the region |
every 2 years |
Rouyn-Noranda, QC (Canada)
Aréna Jacques-Laperrière et Réjean Houle
05/12/2026 2 days |
SIAT - SALON INDUSTRIEL DE L'ABITIBI-TÉMISCAMINGUEIndustrial Expo in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. The event brings together distributors, suppliers and service companies with the know-how needed for development and growth of businesses in the region |
every 2 years |
Rouyn-Noranda, QC (Canada)
Aréna Jacques-Laperrière et Réjean Houle
05/12/2026 2 days |
IM ENGINEERING SOUTHIM ENGINEERING SOUTH is connecting the MedTech, Packaging, Automation, Design, and Plastics Industries Through the Premier Advanced Manufacturing Event in the US |
every 2 years |
Charlotte, NC (USA)
Charlotte Convention Center
05/20/2026 2 days |
FABTECH CANADACanada's only exclusive fabricating, welding, metal forming and finishing event |
every 2 years |
Toronto, ON (Canada)
Toronto Congress Centre
06/16/2026 3 days |
EBRATSBrazilian Meeting and Exposition of Surface Finishing |
every 2 years |
São Paulo (Brazil)
São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
IMTSInternational Machine Tool Trade Show. More than 82, 000 industrial decision-makers attend the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) to get ideas and find answers to their manufacturing problems |
every 2 years |
Chicago, IL (USA)
McCormick Place
09/14/2026 6 days |
FERIA INTERNACIONAL DE BOGOTABogota International Industrial Fair. Event specialized in new technologies applied to all productive industries on the South American continent |
every 2 years |
Bogotá (Colombia)
Corferias - Centro de Convenciones
09/21/2026 5 days |
SIQ - SALON INDUSTRIEL DE QUÉBECThe largest industrial exhibition in Eastern Canada. The event brings together distributors, suppliers and service companies with the necessary expertise for development and growth of Quebec businesses |
every 2 years |
Quebec City, QC (Canada)
Centre de Foires - ExpoCité
Oct. 2026 (?) |