
Arts - Entertainment
Trade Shows in Europe
2025 - 2026

All trade shows in Europe


Countries in Europe

840 Trade Shows in Europe related to Arts - Entertainment
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
TESTOFlorence Book Fair. An event dedicated to those who read, those who write, those who publish and those who draw once a year Florence (Italy) Stazione Leopolda Feb. 2026 (?)
TOURISMAInternational Archaeological Exhibition. tourismA is an opportunity for exposure, disclosure and comparison of all initiatives related to communication of ancient world and valorization of archaeological witnesses once a year Florence (Italy) Firenze Fiera Congress Center Feb. 2026 (?)
VILNIUS BOOK FAIRThe Vilnius Book Fair is the largest book fair in the Baltic countries, one of the brightest cultural events in Lithuania once a year Vilnius (Lithuania) Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo) Feb. 2026 (?)
WAICF - CANNESWorld Artificial Intelligence Festival of Cannes. Conference, Exhibition, Demos and more once a year Cannes (France) Palais des Festivals de Cannes Feb. 2026 (?)
WAVRE FINE ART FAIRArt and antiques fair. Lovers of ancient, modern and contemporary art will meet international art galleries in an intimate and warm atmosphere once a year Wavre (Belgium) Hall de la Sucrerie Feb. 2026 (?)
ISE (INTEGRATED SYSTEMS EUROPE)Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world’ s largest professional AV and systems integration show. The annual event provides a unique showcase of technologies and solutions for commercial and residential applications once a year Barcelona (Spain) Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Gran Via 02/03/2026
4 days
ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LIGHT AND AVElectricity, Telecommunications, Light and Audio Visual International Exhibition every 2 years Jyväskylä (Finland) Jyväskylä Congress Centre 02/04/2026
3 days
MIDEMInternational Record, Music Publishing & Video Music Forum. Midem is the leading international business event for the music ecosystem, it is the place where music makers, cutting-edge technologies, brands & talents come together once a year Cannes (France) Palais des Festivals de Cannes 02/04/2026
4 days
ART KARLSRUHEInternational Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art in Karlsruhe once a year Karlsruhe (Germany) Messe Karlsruhe 02/05/2026
4 days
FEHOVAFishing, Hunting & Arms International Exhibition. FEHOVA is the region’s most significant event among hunters and it is also the biggest fishing show in Hungary once a year Budapest (Hungary) Budapest Fair Centre 02/05/2026
4 days
AMBIENTE GERMANYAs the world’s leading consumer goods trade fair, Ambiente reflects the changes in the market and looks towards the future. It shows a unique mix of ideas and products – and provides a major platform for global trends every 2 years Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 02/06/2026
5 days
CHRISTMASWORLD FRANKFURTWorld Fair of Celebration and Decoration. Every year in Frankfurt, Christmas World presents the latest products and trends for Christmas and all other festive occasions once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 02/06/2026
5 days
CREATIVEWORLDThe most important trade fair for the international hobby, craft and artists' supplies sector. Creativeworld is a global centre for DIY inspiration is the ideal B2B industry meeting place for the professional creative community once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 02/06/2026
4 days
WARSAW HOME GIFT & DECOCentral Eastern Europe’s newest and largest trade show dedicated to gifts, toys, decorations, home products, handicraft and office supplies once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 02/10/2026
3 days
ART3F TOULOUSEInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Toulouse. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 02/13/2026
3 days
BRITISH SHOOTING SHOWGuns & Knives show. BRITISH SHOOTING SHOW presents shotguns, automatic firearms, combat knife & swords, airguns, fishing gears, antique & Classic guns, cartridges, rifle spoke, gun cases & safes, gundogs, gamekeeping, sights and hi-tech optics once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 02/13/2026
3 days
IMOT MÜNCHENMunich International Motorcycle Show. The latest motorcycle models, the latest accessories, numerous shows, tips and booking options for exciting motorcycle trips... once a year Munich (Germany) M,O,C, 02/20/2026
3 days
HUISHOUDBEURSHome and decoration fair. Every year, new brands, products, workshops, artists and activities. Numerous musical events once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre 02/21/2026
8 days
LOPE-CInternational Conference and Exhibition for the Organic and Printed Electronics Industry once a year Munich (Germany) ICM - International Congress Centre Munich 02/24/2026
3 days
INTERNATIONAL CONFEXUK's leading exhibition for the meetings and events industry. International Confex's role is to provide the meeting place for the events world and to connect event professionals with the best venues, destinations, finishing touches, technology, etc once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 02/25/2026
2 days
IWA & OUTDOORCLASSICSInternational Trade Fair for Hunting and Sporting Arms, Outdoor Articles and Accessories once a year Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 02/26/2026
4 days
DIDACTA KÖLNDidacta is the leading trade fair and continuing education event for the entire education sector. From early childhood development and vocational training to lifelong learning every 2 years Cologne (Germany) Exhibition Centre Cologne 03/10/2026
5 days
SALON DU MARIAGE D'AUBAGNEWedding Fair of Aubagne. The wedding fairs are strategically distributed in time and space to allow you to find all the providers for your wedding with complete peace of mind once a year Aubagne (France) Agora d'Aubagne 03/14/2026
2 days
ART3F STRASBOURGInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Strasbourg. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year Strasbourg (France) Parc des expositions de Strasbourg 03/27/2026
3 days
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - ARTEVenice International Art Exhibition. One of the most prestigious in the world every 2 years Venice (Italy) Giardini di Castello April 2026 (?)
POZNAN MEDIA EXPOPoznań Media EXPO deals with telecommunications installations in buildings, smart home and related technologies every 2 years Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 04/14/2026
3 days
NORDBYGGThe great Nordic construction fair. In Nordbygg, the principles of the future of the construction and real estate sector are discussed between architects, builders, property managers, installers, craftsmen, project managers... every 2 years Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs 04/21/2026
4 days
TANEXPOTANEXPO is the Bologna trade show for the funeral industry, international point of reference for the sector development, the showcase to discover market trends. Quality, innovation, design and excellence every 2 years Bologna (Italy) Bologna Exhibition Centre 05/07/2026
3 days
BIENNALE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE LYONLyon Contemporary Art Biennale. The event extends over several emblematic places in Lyon, ideal for meeting artists every 2 years Lyon (France) Sept. 2026 (?)
TECNA EXPOInternational Exhibition of Technology and Supplies for the Ceramics and Brick Industries every 2 years Rimini (Italy) Rimini Fiera Sept. 2026 (?)
TERRA MADRE - SALONE DEL GUSTOItalian festival of the relationship with nature and gastronomy. Agricultural markets. events in schools, book presentations and debates, film screenings... every 2 years Torino (Italy) Parco Dora Sept. 2026 (?)
ARTS ATLANTICContemporary Art Exhibition. Painters, sculptors, photographers, plasticians... every 2 years La Rochelle (France) Espace Encan Oct. 2026 (?)
AUDIO - VIDEO - LIGHTING, LLB EXPOLLB Expo gathers several of Sweden’s and Europe’s leading suppliers of professional equipment and services within the areas of audio, lighting video and media technology every 2 years Stockholm (Sweden) Stockholmsmässan - Stockholm International Fairs Oct. 2026 (?)
BIENNALE DE SCULPTURE ANIMALIÈRE DE RAMBOUILLETBiennial Animal Sculpture Expo in Rambouillet. International Animal Sculpture Contest every 2 years Rambouillet (France) Salle R. Patenôtre Oct. 2026 (?)
MUSIC AUSTRIALeading trade fair for the music industry. The fair is aimed at musicians, music enthusiasts as well as teachers and families and invites you to experience and practice music together every 2 years Ried (Austria) Rieder Messe Oct. 2026 (?)
VISIONInternational Trade Fair for Components, Systems and Applications for Image Processing Technologies every 2 years Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 10/06/2026
3 days
CHTARWARSThe only French exhibition (Cosplay) dedicated 100% to the STAR WARS universe every 2 years Boulogne-sur-Mer (France) Palais des Sports Damremont Nov. 2026 (?)
MUTECInternational Trade Fair for Museums, Collections, Restoration and Exhibition Technology every 2 years Leipzig (Germany) Exhibition Centre Leipzig 11/05/2026
2 days
BIENNALE DE L’ART SANTONNIEREvery even year, around fifty santonniers craftsmen take to the streets of Aubagne. Generous, naive figurines in earthenware coexist with more traditional figurines every 2 years Aubagne (France) Agora d'Aubagne Dec. 2026 (?)
HOLY RUSSIA - ST. PETERSBURGRussian Expo dedicated to Church Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education twice a year St. Petersburg (Russia) Kirov Palace of Culture - Dvorets Kul'tury Imeni S. M. Kirova Oct. 2027
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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