FOODSERVICE AUSTRALIAFood, Beverage, Catering & Bakery Equipment Exhibition. Foodservice Australia is the only tradeshow in Australia focused on the café, restaurant and catering sectors. It provides hospitality operators with the opportunity to discover new ideas & products |
once a year |
Sydney (Australia)
ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney
May 2026 (?) |
FOTEG ISTANBULFoteg Istanbul Fair provides an important meeting for food processing equipment providers and food production sector representatives and senior executives |
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
May 2026 (?) |
GAP FOIRE EXPOFair-exhibition of Gap. The professional actors of the Hautes-Alpes exhibit their know-how over 9 days |
once a year |
Gap (France)
Parc de La Pépinière - Gap
May 2026 (?) |
GLUTEN FREE FOOD EXPO - PERTHThe show is for consumers looking for gluten-free food due to health reasons or simply looking for a healthier diet |
once a year |
Perth (Australia)
Claremont Showground
May 2026 (?) |
GOOD FOOD & WINE SHOW - MELBOURNEAustralian Food & Wine Exhibition. GOOD FOOD & WINE SHOW visitors are eager, enthusiastic and actively looking for new tastes and ideas, and what they learn at the Show helps shape their purchase decisions in the year ahead |
once a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
May 2026 (?) |
GRAINS AFRICA - UGANDAGRAINS AFRICA UGANDA is an international trade show on Grains & Technology, Flour, Machinery & Equipment, Storage System & Packaging in East Africa |
once a year |
Kampala (Uganda)
UMA Exhibition Centre Lugogo
May 2026 (?) |
HALAL EXPO CANADANorth America's only trade show dedicated to the Halal Industry. From Food & Beverage to Pharmaceuticals to Cosmetics, from Finance to E-commerce and Logistics to Tourism and more, the entire halal industry will gather under one roof |
once a year |
Toronto, ON (Canada)
The International Centre, Toronto
May 2026 (?) |
HFE JAPANHealth Food Exhibition & Conference |
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
May 2026 (?) |
HORECA OMANHORECA Oman brings together the major players in the hospitality, catering and food industry sectors in Oman and beyond |
once a year |
Muscat (Oman)
Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre
May 2026 (?) |
HOREX AZERBAIJANCaucasus International Hospitality Exhibition |
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
May 2026 (?) |
HOSFAIR GUANGZHOUChina International Hospitality Equipment, Supplies, Food & Beverage Fair |
once a year |
Guangzhou (China)
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
May 2026 (?) |
HOSFAIR XI'ANChina International Hospitality Equipment, Supplies, Food & Beverage Fair |
once a year |
Xi’an (China)
Xi'an Qujiang International Convention & Exhibition Center
May 2026 (?) |
HOTEL ASIA MALDIVESInternational Hotel Industry Exhibition & Culinary Challenge |
once a year |
Malé (Maldives)
Dharubaaruge Exhibition Hall
May 2026 (?) |
IFIA JAPANAnnual International Food Ingredients & Additives Exhibition and Conference |
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
May 2026 (?) |
IFTECH FOOD + BEV TEC PAKISTANInternational Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology Trade Fair |
once a year |
? (Pakistan)
May 2026 (?) |
IICP EXPO - INDIA INTERNATIONAL CROP PROTECTION EXPOIndia’s Biggest Crop Protection Trade Fair. IICP Expo will be a grand Crop protection Expo, including not only protecting the crop from pests & diseases but challenges like biotic & abiotic stress, climate change, nutritional requirements... |
once a year |
Hyderabad (India)
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
May 2026 (?) |
IISM - INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA SEAFOOD & MEAT EXPOInternational Indonesia Seafood & Meat Conference & Expo focusion on Cold Chain Technology |
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
May 2026 (?) |
INFOAGRO MÉXICO EXHIBITIONAgricultural Products Fair. Exhibitors will be able to present their products to visitors. In addition, they will have a B2B area, where they can chat with customers |
once a year |
Mazatlán (Mexico)
Mazatlán International Center
May 2026 (?) |
INTERFOOD ASTANAKazakhstan International Exhibition of Foodstuffs, Drinks, Packaging And Equipment For Food Industry |
once a year |
Astana (Kazakhstan)
Korme World Trade Center Astana
May 2026 (?) |
INTERFOOD AZERBAIJANAzerbaijan International Food Industry Exhibition |
once a year |
Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Expo Center
May 2026 (?) |
INTERNATIONAL CAFÉ & BEVERAGE SHOWMalaysia's Leading Showcase of Artisan Food, Beverage & Café Products |
once a year |
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
May 2026 (?) |
INTERNATIONAL POULTRY & LIVESTOCK BANGLADESH EXPOInternational Exhibition on Poultry, Livestock, Animal Husbandry, Aquaculture, Packaging & Processing |
once a year |
Dhaka (Bangladesh)
International Convention City Bashundhara
May 2026 (?) |
INTERPLAST-PACK AFRICA - UGANDAINTERPLAST-PACK AFRICA is an international trade show on Plastics, Polymers, Rubbers, Corrugated, Packaging and Printing in East Africa |
once a year |
Kampala (Uganda)
UMA Exhibition Centre Lugogo
May 2026 (?) |
INTERWINE CHINAChina International Wine, Brewery and Beverage Processing Technology & Equipment Trade Fair |
twice a year |
Guangzhou (China)
Poly World Trade Expo Center
May 2026 (?) |
IRAN AGRO - IRAN AGROFOODInternational Agricultural Trade Fair. A key industry gathering for Iran’s agro industry |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
May 2026 (?) |
IRAN AGROFOODIranian International Agro-business Exhibition. Iran Agrofood is an International Exhibition of Food, Food Technology, and Agriculture in Tehran |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
May 2026 (?) |
IRAN FOOD + BEV TECInternational Food, Beverage & Hospitality Exhibition |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
May 2026 (?) |
IRAN FOOD + HOSPITALITYInternational Food, Beverage & Hospitality Exhibition |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
May 2026 (?) |
IRAN FOOD INGREDIENTSIranian Food and Beverage Ingredients Industry Exhibition |
once a year |
Tehran (Iran)
Tehran Permanent Fairground
May 2026 (?) |
LONDON WINE FAIRLondon International Wine Fair. The London Wine Fair is a trading place, a meeting place, a place for discovery, learning, and even celebrating all manner of things wine trade related |
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Olympia Exhibition Centre
May 2026 (?) |
LUXE PACK - NEW-YORKNew York Luxury Goods Packaging Exhibition. The premier BtoB trade show platform for luxury brands across various industries, including cosmetics, fragrance, wine & spirits, fine food, home goods, tech, and more |
once a year |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
May 2026 (?) |
MACFRUTInternational Exhibition of Plants, Technologies and Services for the Production, Conditioning, Marketing and Transport of Fruit and Vegetables |
once a year |
Rimini (Italy)
Rimini Fiera
May 2026 (?) |
MAROCOTELInternational exhibition of professional equipments for the hospitality, catering, food service, Wellbeing and Leisure |
every 2 years |
? (Morocco)
May 2026 (?) |
MEHA HORECA NIGERIANigeria International Exhibition for Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe Industries |
once a year |
Lagos (Nigeria)
The Landmark Events Centre
May 2026 (?) |
MULTILAYER FLEXIBLE PACKAGING NORTH AMERICAForum addressing innovations in multilayer film to deliver efficient, optimized pack formats in North America and beyond |
once a year |
? (USA)
May 2026 (?) |
NAMPO HARVEST DAYThe largest show of agricultural machinery and livestock in the southern hemisphere. Nampo Harvest Day focuses on the complete agricultural sector and is also intended to contribute to sustained food production in South Africa |
once a year |
Bothaville (South Africa)
May 2026 (?) |
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPEOrganic Products Exhibition. Natural & Organic Products Europe is the trade event for the natural & organic industry. Encompassing The Natural Food Show, Natural Beauty & Spa, Health & Nutrition & Natural Living. For supplying or sourcing natural product |
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
May 2026 (?) |
NATURALLY GOODTrade Show for The Natural & Organic Products Industry. Naturally Good attracts Natural & Organic Retailers, Independents & Supermarket Chains, Pharmacies & Health Stores, Health Practitioners, Foodservice & Restaurants, Distributors & Wholesalers |
once a year |
Sydney (Australia)
ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney
May 2026 (?) |
NFBE - INTERNATIONAL FOOD AND BEVERAGE EXPONatural food and healthy beverage industry International Trade Show |
twice a year |
Guangzhou (China)
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
May 2026 (?) |
NRA SHOWThe National Restaurant, Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show, the largest gathering of foodservice professionals in the western hemisphere, is open to professionals involved in the restaurant, foodservice and hospitality industry |
once a year |
Chicago, IL (USA)
McCormick Place
May 2026 (?) |
OLIVTECHOlive, Olive Oil, Dairy Products, Wine and Technologies Expo in Turkey |
once a year |
Izmir (Turkey)
Culturepark Fair Ground
May 2026 (?) |
ORGANIC & NATURAL PRODUCTS EXPO AFRICA - CAPE TOWNOrganic and Natural trade show. Food, Beverage, Ingredients, Raw Materials, Supplements and Nutrition, Cosmetic & Hygiene, Beauty and Personal Care, Household, Gardening... |
once a year |
? (South Africa)
May 2026 (?) |
PACIFIC TUNA FORUMINFOFISH and the National Fisheries Authority (NFA) of Papua New Guinea are organising the Pacific Tuna Forum (PTF). The aim is ensuring a sustainable and viable tuna industry in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean region |
once a year |
? (World)
May 2026 (?) |
PIZZA PASTA & ITALIAN FOOD SHOWAustralia's business event for the pizzeria and italian restaurant sector. If you're an operator looking to improve your pizza business or restaurant, or if you provide equipment, ingredients or services to the pizza and pasta industry, this is your event |
once a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
May 2026 (?) |
PLASTIC CLOSURE INNOVATIONS EUROPEThe forum showcases major global trends, explores recent advances and discusses the latest innovations in plastic closure. Meet leading brand owners, plastic closure producers, packaging system providers, materials and technology suppliers... |
once a year |
? (Spain)
May 2026 (?) |
PLCEAsia Pacific Fresh Food Distribution and Cold Chain Technology and Equipment Exhibition |
once a year |
Guangzhou (China)
China Import and Export Fair Complex Area B
May 2026 (?) |
PRIMEX FIELD DAYSAustralia’s Sustainable Farming & Primary Industries Expo + Heavy Machinery + Outdoor Leisure |
once a year |
Casino, NSW (Australia)
Richmond Valley Event Centre
May 2026 (?) |
PROCESS EXPO SWEDENProcess Expo is the Nordic region's most important meeting place for the entire processing industry. Chemistry, pharmacy, agri-food... |
once a year |
Malmö (Sweden)
May 2026 (?) |
QSR IGNITE CONFERENCEQSR Ignite Conference is the new event for Australia’s QSR market, dedicated exclusively to the needs of fast food operators, Covering everything from emerging concepts to digital transformation to consumer trends |
once a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
May 2026 (?) |
RESTAURANT TECHNOLOGY SHOWRestaurant Technology Show is dedicated to the fast-expanding ecosystem of tech solutions and services for the restaurant and foodservice industry |
once a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
May 2026 (?) |