MOSTRA MERCATO DELL’ARTIGIANATOItalian Quality Handicraft Fair. 'Mostra Artigianato' focuses on the value of craftsmanship. To know and appreciate the artisan productions on display, access our social networks!
once a year |
Erba (Italy)
Lario Fiere
Oct. 2026 (?) |
MUKWONAGO GUN SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. MUKWONAGO GUN SHOW features shooting rifles, combat knives, samurai swords, fishing tackle, muzzle load, hunting accessories, gun cases & safes, holsters, outdoor survival gears and hi-tech optics
twice a year |
Mukwonago, WI (USA)
Mukwonago Field Park
Oct. 2026 (?) |
MUSIC AUSTRIALeading trade fair for the music industry. The fair is aimed at musicians, music enthusiasts as well as teachers and families and invites you to experience and practice music together
every 2 years |
Ried (Austria)
Rieder Messe
Oct. 2026 (?) |
MUSIC CHINAInternational Exhibition for Musical Instruments and Services
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC
Oct. 2026 (?) |
NEPCON JAPAN - NAGOYANEPCON JAPAN has grown together with the Japanese & Asian electronics industries. The show specialised in essential areas for electronics manufacturing and R&D is a representing Asia's leading venue for all those involved in the electronics industry
once a year |
Nagoya (Japan)
Nagoya International Exhibition Hall (Port Messe Nagoya)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
NEW YORK COMIC CONFour days packed full of anime, celebrities, gaming, comics, and pop culture
once a year |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PANAMA CITY BEACH GIFT SHOWThe Panama City Beach Gift Show is the nation's top beach, souvenir and resort show, custom-tailored to the buying interests of the Gulf Coast
once a year |
Panama City , FL (USA)
Boardwalk Beach Resort
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PARIS AUDIO VIDEO SHOWThe most important event dedicated to High Fidelity and Home Cinema in France. For professionals and enthusiasts of audiovisual technology
once a year |
Paris (France)
Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PARIS GAME WEEKEurope's biggest video game show in Paris. PARIS GAME WEEK also features Games made in France, Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC), Video Game Bookshop, RetroGaming, Jobs & Careers, Junior Expo
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PARIS MANGA & SCI-FI SHOWParis Manga & Sci-Fi Show attracts enthusiasts of imaginary worlds, lovers of superpowers, comics, science fiction, cinema and TV series...
twice a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Nord Villepinte
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PAVILION OF ART & DESIGN - LONDONAn International Fair Embracing 150 years of Fine Arts, Decorative Arts and Design of the 20th and 21st Centuries
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Berkeley Square
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PAX AUSPAX Aus is a celebration of gaming and gaming culture featuring thought a massive expo hall filled with the best publishers and studios, new game demos, musical performances, tournaments, and a community experience unlike any other
once a year |
Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PGA - FAIR OF DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT AND VIDEO GAMESFair of Digital Entertainment and Video Games. Poznań Game Arena is the largest computer, console, and multimedia entertaiment fair in Central and Eastern Europe, organized both for the industry and individual visitors
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PHOTONICS FESTIVAL IN TAIWANGrand Multi-Exhibition dedicated to Photonics in Taiwan. PHOTONICS FESTIVAL in Taiwan is composed of 6 exhibitions: Optoelectronics, Flat Panel Displays, LED Lighting, Precision Optics & Image Sensing, Photovoltaics & Plant Factory
once a year |
Taipei (Taiwan)
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
PRO AVL INDONESIA EXPOInternational Exhibition of Professional Audio, Visual, Lighting & Technology Exhibition
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
QUAI DES BULLESFestival of comics and the projected image. Throughout the year, Quai des Bulles perpetuates its efforts in favor of the 9th art, through competitions, original exhibitions and workshops around comics, for all audiences
once a year |
Saint-Malo (France)
Quai St-Malo
Oct. 2026 (?) |
RAAPA EXPO - AMUSEMENT RIDES AND ENTERTAINMENT EQUIPMENT RAAPA EXPOInternational Trade Event dedicated to Amusement Rides and Entertainment Equipment and equipment for Leisure facilities
twice a year |
Moscow (Russia)
VDNH Exhibition Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
RETRO MADE IN ASIAExhibition dedicated to '80/90 Asean retrogaming and cartoons
twice a year |
Brussels (Belgium)
Brussels Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
RIGA FASHION WEEKRiga Fashion Week gives special attention to exhibitions, bridging the boundaries between the fashion industry and visual arts. And it continues the theme of ethics and sustainable development
twice a year |
Riga (Latvia)
Hanzas Perons building
Oct. 2026 (?) |
ROMICSRomics is an international exhibition on comics, animation, video games, cinema and entertainment
twice a year |
Rome (Italy)
Fiera di Roma
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DE LA PHOTOPhotography Fair. The Salon de la Photo brings together all the key players in the world of photography: not only manufacturers and importers but also schools and professional associations, all eager to show you their very latest products and ideas
once a year |
Paris (France)
Grande Halle de la Villette
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU LIVRE DE WALLONIEMons Book Fair. Since its creation, Mon’s Livre has set itself the mission of promoting reading, literature and culture in the broad sense in the Walloon territory. It attracts writers, humorists, cartoonists from Belgium and France...
once a year |
Mons (Belgium)
WCCM, Mons
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE - ANGERSAngers Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers...
once a year |
Angers (France)
Angers Parc Expo
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE - BRESTBrest Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers...
once a year |
Brest (France)
Parc des expositions Penfeld
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE - LYONLyon Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers...
once a year |
Lyon (France)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE - VANNESVannes Wedding Fair. New trends, the best providers in your region. Wedding dresses, costumes, jewelers, announcements, decoration, florists, wedding planner, hairstyles, accessories, caterers, photographers, videographers...
once a year |
Vannes (France)
Le Chorus, Parc des expositions
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE DE LENSThe Wedding Fairs of Lens, Douai and Arras are the appointments not to be missed to organize your reception. Caterers, reception venues, wedding dresses, costumes and bridal wear, photographers, videographers, entertainers, jewelers, travel agencies...
once a year |
Lens (France)
Salle Bertinchamps
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU MARIAGE DE VALENCEWedding Fair of Valence. The wedding fairs are strategically distributed in time and space to allow you to find all the providers for your wedding with complete peace of mind
once a year |
Valence (France)
Palais des Congrès et des Expositions Jacques Chirac
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON DU PATRIMOINE CULTURELExhibition For People acting in the Conservation, the Restoration and the Development of the Movable and Real Cultural Patrimony
once a year |
Paris (France)
Carrousel du Louvre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON EDUCSalon Éduc is the largest educational platform in French-speaking Belgium. It brings together education professionals. Meetings, sharing, workshops, training, conferences...
once a year |
Marche-en-Famenne (Belgium)
Wallonie Expo
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS ART, COMMUNICATION ET DIGITAL DE MARSEILLETo help you build your career plans, many professionals and specialists from the art, communication, film and digital sectors will be happy to discuss topics related to the various professions and job opportunities
once a year |
Marseille (France)
Le Dôme
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS DU NUMÉRIQUE DE TOURSDigital training fair. The Studyrama Digital Training Fair is more than 200 specialized training courses in computer engineering, graphic design, visual communication, e-commerce or even e-marketing from Bac to Bac +5
once a year |
Tours (France)
Centre international de congrès de Tours - Le Vinci
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SCAT INDIA TRADESHOWSCAT India Tradeshow is geared to cater to this ever-expanding category. It is the definitive event for the Indian Satellite, Cable TV, DTH & Broadband industry
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Jio World Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SENIORÊVA NORD PAS-DE-CALAISSalon dedicated to seniors. SenioRêva, “the Active Retirement Show”, is the unmissable regional event of the fall, dedicated 100% to active seniors
once a year |
Lille (France)
Lille Grand Palais
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SHARJAH WORLD BOOK FAIRSharjah nternational Book Fair. SIBF is your gateway to a wide audience of people who come together for love of the written word. Engage with thousands of readers and industry professionals from the region and around the world
once a year |
Sharjah (UAE - United Arab Emirates)
Expo Centre Sharjah
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SHENZHEN INTERNATIONAL GIFT AND HOME FAIR - AUTUMNChina (Shenzhen) International Gifts, Handicrafts, Watches & Houseware Fair. Over 5, 000 exhibitors with more than 1, 000, 000 premium brand gift and homeware products are expected on-site
once a year |
Shenzhen (China)
Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SHOWEASTMotion Picture Industry Exhibition. ShowEast features a range of exclusive product presentations and screenings from both Independent and Major Hollywood studios to help you make important programming decisions
once a year |
Miami, FL (USA)
Loews Miami Beach Hotel
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SIAOOuagadougou International Arts and Crafts Fair
every 2 years |
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Site du SIAO
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE ANNECYFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Annecy (France)
Espace Rencontre, Annecy-le-vieux
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE BORDEAUXFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Bordeaux (France)
Le Hangar 14
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE CAGNES-SUR-MERFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Cagnes-Sur-Mer (France)
Hippodrome, Cagnes-Sur-Mer
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE DIJONFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Dijon (France)
Zénith de Dijon
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE MONTPELLIERFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Montpellier (France)
Montpellier - Parc des Expositions
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE ORLÉANSFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Orleans (France)
Centre Orléans Métropole (CO'Met)
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE PARC ASTÉRIXFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
once a year |
Senlis (France)
Parc Astérix
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE RENNESFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Rennes (France)
Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE ROUENFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Rouen (France)
Parc des expositions de Rouen
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SOLUTIONS CSE STRASBOURGFair for works councils, staff representatives and local authorities. A multitude of "Culture, Leisure & Relaxation" outings, good holiday plans, providing service and comfort to employees…
twice a year |
Strasbourg (France)
Parc des expositions de Strasbourg
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPORTEL MONACOInternational Sports Television Convention. SPORTEL MONACO offers unique business opportunities with a remarkable quality of attendees including key stake holders in different sectors of the global sports business and tech industry
once a year |
Monaco (Monaco)
Grimaldi Forum
Oct. 2026 (?) |
SPOSI A BOLOGNABologna Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals...
twice a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2026 (?) |