
Water Management and Treatment
Trade shows
2025 - 2026



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239 Trade Shows related to Water Management and Treatment
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
POLLUTECFair of solutions of the future serving environmental & economic issues. Pollutec brings together the players in the ecological transition: solution providers, leaders, start-ups, managers & decision-makers, project leaders, investors, elected officials every 2 years Lyon (France) Eurexpo 10/07/2025
4 days
AQUA UKRAINEInternational Water Forum for Water Preparation, Water Supply, Water Removal, Sewage Treatment, Local Water Treatment Devices, Pumping and Armature Equipment, Engineering Networks once a year Kiev (Ukraine) National Complex 'Expocentre of Ukraine' 10/14/2025
3 days
CAMWATERInternational Water & Wastewater Technology Show. CAMWATER is a business-to-business industry event designed to be a showcase of the latest advances and innovations in water treatment and sanitation management once a year Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition Center 10/14/2025
3 days
COMMUNTECHInternational Trade Fair for Engineering Technologies and Equipment for Municipal Economy once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center 10/14/2025
3 days
IFAT INDIAEnvironmental Industry most Comprehensive Trade Show. IFAT India covers the sectors for water, sewage, refuse, recycling and energy conservation once a year Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) 10/14/2025
3 days
POL ECO SYSTEMInternational Trade Fair of Technologies and Products for Sustainable Development & Municipal Services in Poland once a year Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center 10/14/2025
3 days
SAUDI GREEN BUILDING FORUMThe Saudi Green Building Forum (SGBF) is an important platform for advancing sustainability and green initiatives in Saudi Arabia. Sustainable cities, energy and water efficiency... once a year Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) 10/14/2025
2 days
WATER & AIR TECHNOLOGIESBelarusian Energy and Environmental Protection Forum - Energy. Environment Protection. Energy Saving. Electronics. Electrotechnics. Automation once a year Minsk (Belarus) Football Manege Sport Complex 10/14/2025
4 days
AQUA-THERM BAKUInternational Trade Fair for Heating, Sanitation, Climate Control, Building Technologies once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku Expo Center 10/15/2025
3 days
REBUILD KARABAKHAzerbaijan International Restoration, Reconstruction and Development of Karabakh Exhibition once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Baku Expo Center 10/15/2025
3 days
KENYA KITCHEN & FOOD EXPOInternational Expo for Food, Beverage, Energy Drinks, Can Food, Irrigation, Water Systems & Purification, Raw Materials, Kitchen & Hotel Equipment, Dairy Products, Catering, FMCG Products & Machinery etc... every 2 years Nairobi (Kenya) Kenyatta International Conference Center 10/20/2025
3 days
SAUDI AGRICULTUREWater Technology and Agri Industry Exhibition once a year Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Riyadh International Exhibition Centre 10/20/2025
4 days
CONGRESSO ABES / FENASANThe largest event of Environmental Sanitation of the Americas once a year São Paulo (Brazil) Expo Center Norte 10/21/2025
3 days
UZSTROYEXPOInternational exhibition of Construction, Heating and ventilation Systems, Water Supply, Water Purification, Sanitary once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 10/21/2025
3 days
HYDROHydro Power & Dams Industry International Conference once a year Thessaloniki (Greece) 10/22/2025
3 days
ISK-SODEX ISTANBULIstanbul International HVAC&R, Insulation, Pump, Valve, Fitting, Water Treatment, Fire Prevention, Pool and Solar Energy Systems Exhibition every 2 years Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo 10/22/2025
4 days
ECO EXPO ASIAInternational Trade Fair on Environmental Protection. Eco Expo Asia is a global trade platform for the environmental protection industry that showcases the latest green products, equipment and state-of-the-art technology once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 10/28/2025
4 days
CLEANTECH FORUM - EUROPECleanTech Forum is a great opportunity to connect and learn from the world’s leading authority on cleantech innovation once a year ? (Europe) Nov. 2025 (?)
CYCL’EAU - PROVENCE-ALPES-MÉDITERRANÉEForum dedicated to public and private stakeholders in the water sector. Exchange and create synergies. Round tables & plenaries to highlight the major issues linked to climate change and the preservation of water resources every 2 years Aix-en-Provence (France) Arena du Pays d'Aix Nov. 2025 (?)
WES (WORLD ENGINEERS SUMMIT)World summit + expo of ecological engineering to meet climate challenges every 2 years Singapore (Singapore) Suntec Singapore Nov. 2025 (?)
PROJECT OMANOman's International Construction Technology, Infrastructure and Building Materials Exhibition once a year Muscat (Oman) Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre 11/03/2025
3 days
ECOMONDOInternational Trade Fair on Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development once a year Rimini (Italy) Rimini Fiera 11/04/2025
4 days
SMART CITY EXPOA unique congress at a global level which is spearheading the movement to develop smart communities that will drive forward innovative, sustainable cities once a year Barcelona (Spain) Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Gran Via 11/04/2025
3 days
AQUATECH CHINAInternational Trade Exhibition for Process, Drinking and Waste Water once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 11/05/2025
3 days
URBANEXT CENTRAL ASIAThe exhibition & conference URBANEXT is the platform that promotes the introduction of brand-new technologies for the Smart City in Kazakhstan and the entire Central Asian region once a year Astana (Kazakhstan) IEC Expo Astana 11/05/2025
3 days
VIETWATERVietnam Water & Wastewater Industry Show once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC 11/05/2025
3 days
VIETWATER HO CHI MINHVietnam's International Water Supply, Sanitation, Water Resources and Purification Event once a year Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center - SECC 11/05/2025
3 days
WQTCWater Quality Technology Conference & Show. At WQTC, Water quality specialists, utility management and executives, Treatment plant managers, Scientists, Engineers, Academics & Students, Distributors & Manufacturers, Consultants, Product Reps meet togethe once a year Tacoma, WA (USA) 11/09/2025
4 days
ECOFIRAInternational Fair of Environmental Solutions and energies once a year Valencia (Spain) Feria Valencia 11/11/2025
3 days
AFRICA PPPInfrastructure Investment Partnerships Conference. AFRICAPPP is the platform for reducing the infrastructure gap by using a collaborative approach between the public and private sector. Renewable, transport, bulk water, waste to energy, port sectors... once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Hyatt Regency, Casablanca 11/12/2025
3 days
GLOBAL GREEN EVENT BY POLLUTECInternational Exhibition of Environmental Equipment, Technology and Services for Industry and Local Authorities every 2 years El Jadida (Morocco) Parc d'Exposition Mohammed VI 11/12/2025
4 days
FUTURE FARMING EXPO SCOTLANDThe Future Farming Expo will support Scotland and its farmers in order to make Scotland a global leader in innovative, profitable and sustainable agriculture every 2 years Aberdeen (UK - United Kingdom) P&J Live Aberdeen 11/18/2025
2 days
SALON DES MAIRES ET DES COLLECTIVITÉS LOCALESExhibition dedicated to Mayors and Local Authorities - the great French meeting for public procurement once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/18/2025
3 days
ENVIROPRO TOULOUSEExpo dedicated to environmental solutions and technologies, with public economic actors (Communities, Communities, Administrations, Territories, etc.) private (Industry, Construction, Transport, Logistics, Trade, Agriculture, Tourism, Services, etc.) every 2 years Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 11/19/2025
2 days
VIC MAJOR PROJECTS CONFERENCEVictoria's largest major projects & infrastructure conference attracting over 200 delegates each year. Topics covered - Transport, housing, health, education, energy & water once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre 11/19/2025
2 days
BIG 5 GLOBALInternational Exhibition for Building, Water Technology & Environment, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Cleaning & Maintenance, Glass & Metal once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) 11/24/2025
4 days
LIVEABLECITIESXEvent designed to Tackle sustainable urban development, shape future city planning, and attract investments once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) 11/24/2025
4 days
AQUA SUISSEAQUA Suisse is the Swiss exhibition for municipal and industrial water management. The latest products and solutions for water supply, water treatment, wastewater and process water treatment every 2 years Zurich (Switzerland) Ferienmesse Zürich 11/26/2025
2 days
BUILD FOR WATER'Build for Water' is a new conference helping to create action and promote knowledge about climate adaptation among architects, engineers, urban planners and other important players in the construction industry once a year Copenhagen (Denmark) Vandvaerket - Copenhagen Waterworks 11/26/2025
2 days
CTW - CLEAN INDIA TECHNOLOGY WEEKTrade show showcasing solutions for clean surfaces, clean environment, clean linen, clean air and clean water once a year Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) 11/26/2025
3 days
MUNICIPALIKAInternational Exhibition & Conference on Public Works, Municipal Services and Urban Development once a year Gandhinagar (India) Mahatma Mandir Exhibition Centre 11/27/2025
3 days
ENVICONThe ENVICON congress is certainly the leading environmental protection event in Poland. It brings together industry experts, business representatives, municipal enterprises and industrial organizations once a year ? (Poland) Dec. 2025 (?)
WORLD WATER CONGRESSInternational Congress focused on Foundations for Global Water Security and Resilience: Knowledge, Technology and Policy every 2 years Marrakech (Morocco) 12/01/2025
5 days
SHEC - SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL EVAPORATION AND CRYSTALLIZATION TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT EXHIBITIONShanghai International Evaporation and Crystallization Technology and Equipment Exhibition. Separator, condenser, thermocompressor, Vacuum and drainage system, delivery pump, steam manifold, Electrical instrument control cabinet and valve... once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 12/11/2025
3 days
CLEANTECH FORUM - NORTH AMERICACleanTech Forum is a great opportunity to connect and learn from the world’s leading authority on cleantech innovation once a year ? (USA) Jan. 2026 (?)
IWEX IRANIWEX is an International Waste Management, Recycling, Machinery, and Related Industries Exhibition in Iran/Tehran every 2 years Tehran (Iran) Tehran Permanent Fairground Jan. 2026 (?)
URBEST METZUrban Equipment Fair. URBEST exhibition will showcase Street Furniture, Play Equipment, Ground Surfacing, Lighting, Signposting, Associated Services, Sports Facilities, Street and Green Space Maintenance Machines once a year Metz (France) Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions Jan. 2026 (?)
WFES WATERWFES Water is the ideal platform to introduce technologies and products optimizing water production, usage and conservation to the Middle East and North Africa market once a year Abu Dhabi (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Abu-Dhabi National Exhibition Center - Adnec 01/13/2026
3 days
WORLD FUTURE ENVIRONMENT EXHIBITIONExhibition & Conference focused on comprehensive solutions in the environmental equipment, technology and services sectors once a year Abu Dhabi (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Abu-Dhabi National Exhibition Center - Adnec 01/13/2026
3 days
WWT WASTEWATERConference & Exhibition of wastewater-specific case studies, innovation and thought-leadership once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 01/27/2026
2 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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