
Trade Shows in Europe
March 2026


Countries in Europe - March 2026

Dec 171 Jan 377 2025 Feb 505 Mar 695 Apr 488 May 463 Jun 337 Jul 96 Aug 85 Sep 612 Oct 860 Nov 718 Dec 164 Jan 383 2026 Feb 499 Mar 693 Apr 487 May 439 Jun 334 Jul 96 Aug 89 Sep 618 Oct 827 Nov 712 Dec 158
693 Trade Shows in Europe in March 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
CABEXInternational specialized exhibition of cables, wires, fastening hardware, and installation technology once a year Moscow (Russia) Timiryazev Engineering Center 03/10/2026
3 days
DIDACTA KÖLNDidacta is the leading trade fair and continuing education event for the entire education sector. From early childhood development and vocational training to lifelong learning every 2 years Cologne (Germany) Exhibition Centre Cologne 03/10/2026
5 days
ELECTRONIC DISPLAYElectronic Display Technology & Devices Conference. A must-attend for players in various areas of the display industry and the users of their solutions once a year Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 03/10/2026
3 days
EMBEDDED WORLDExhibition and Congress dedicated to Embedded Systems. The Embedded World Exhibition & Conference facilitates direct interaction with a large number of experts and qualified suppliers from all over the world once a year Nuremberg (Germany) Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 03/10/2026
3 days
EURO GASTRO / WORLD HOTELInternational Food Service Trade Fair + International Hotel Facilities Equipment Trade Fair once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 03/10/2026
3 days
EUROGASTROPolish Trade Fair for Hotels, Restaurants & Catering. EuroGastro, aimed at bringing together all branches of the HoReCa industry and creating convenient conditions for professional business contacts will allow you to find potential business partners once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 03/10/2026
3 days
EXPOBIOGAZBiogas exhibition and congress. Discover the offerings of exhibitors presenting their solutions and innovations for methanization, power-to-gas, pyrogification, injection, cogeneration, mobility & bioNGV. Conferences, workshops, Agricultural Villag every 2 years Lyon (France) Eurexpo 03/10/2026
2 days
INTERTRAFFIC AMSTERDAMInternational Event in the Field of Traffic and Transport. The largest gathering of traffic and mobility professionals worldwide every 2 years Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre 03/10/2026
4 days
JEC WORLDJEC World is a leading International Composites Show, activating a global community from the business, manufacturing, research and academic worlds and enabling networking for new ideas and creates growth opportunities once a year Paris (France) Paris Nord Villepinte 03/10/2026
3 days
OI - OCEANOLOGY INTERNATIONALOceanology International is the great forum to connect with the world’s marine science and ocean technology communities. A platform to learn from ocean leaders from around the world, boost your technical and blue economy knowledge, connect with key buyers every 2 years London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/10/2026
3 days
STOCEXPO EUROPEStorage Terminal Operators Conference & Exhibition. Bulk liquid storage sector, terminal operators, chemical & oil companies & the equipment suppliers once a year Rotterdam (Netherlands) Ahoy Rotterdam 03/10/2026
2 days
SUSTAINABLE MAINTENANCESustainable Maintenance - Scandinavia's leading maintenance fair. The arena for the future of sustainable maintenance every 2 years Gothenburg (Sweden) Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre 03/10/2026
4 days
WINE WARSAW EXPOTrade fair for wines and spirits in Poland. WINE WARSAW EXPO aims to maintain Poland's position as one of the most promising regions in the world concerning the wine industry once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 03/10/2026
3 days
WORLD HOTELInternational Hotel Industry Fair. World Hotel aims to bring together leading companies, technical experts and practitioners related to the sector in Poland and the entire Central and Eastern European region once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 03/10/2026
3 days
FOODTECExhibition for Food Processing Technologies & Equipment. PacTec, FoodTec and PlastExpo Nordic cover the entire value chains of these industries, from design to use, and from marketing to raw materials every 2 years Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 03/11/2026
2 days
GASTRO HELSINKIGastro Helsinki is Finland's largest and most significant meeting place for food and restaurant industry professionals every 2 years Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 03/11/2026
3 days
PACTECInternational Packaging Industries Fair. PacTec, FoodTec and PlastExpo Nordic cover the entire value chains of these industries, from design to use, and from marketing to raw materials every 3 years Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 03/11/2026
2 days
PLAST EXPO NORDICPlastic Industry International Trade Show. PacTec, FoodTec and PlastExpo Nordic cover the entire value chains of these industries, from design to use, and from marketing to raw materials every 2 years Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 03/11/2026
2 days
EXPODENTAL MADRIDDental Equipment, Supplies and Services Show every 2 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 03/12/2026
3 days
ACE - AESTHETICS CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONACE is the UK's leading event for non-surgical aesthetic professionals. The event features over 80 leading companies showcasing the very latest aesthetic technology and newest products once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Business Design Centre, Islington 03/13/2026
2 days
AZUBI- & STUDIENTAGE WIESBADENThe leading Trade Fair for Education and Careers. Pupils & Young People who are either about to graduate from School and/or are thinking about their professionnel future at an early age have come to the right place once a year Wiesbaden (Germany) RheinMain CongressCenter 03/13/2026
2 days
INTERNORGAInternational Exhibition for the Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Baking and Confectionery Trades once a year Hamburg (Germany) Hamburg Messe und Congress 03/13/2026
5 days
MAGDEBOOTAt the beginning of spring, MAGDEBOOT relaunches the nautical and outdoor season. The focus is on motor and sailing boats and yachts, electric boats, houseboats, rental offers, boat accessories, nautical tourism and much more once a year Magdeburg (Germany) Messegelände Magdeburg 03/13/2026
3 days
SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE, BIO & THÉRAPIES - MANDELIEUExhibition & conferences dedicated to Wellness, Organic Food & Therapy. The Salon du Bien-être, Bio & Thérapies de Mandelieu offers a varied program of workshops, conferences, debates, meditations, shows that inspire and energize once a year Mandelieu-La Napoule (France) Centre Expo Congrès - Mandelieu-la-Napoule 03/13/2026
3 days
FOOD EXPOTrade Show for Mediterranean Food & Beverages. FOOD EXPO manages to arrange business meetings between targeted foreign buyers and exhibitors once a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo 03/14/2026
3 days
HAUS | BAU | ENERGIE - RADOLFZELLThe fair is tailor-made for demanding and quality-loving homeowners or those who want to become one. With us you will find sensual design, high-quality materials, modern shapes and fresh colors as well as warming heating or cooling insulation once a year Radolfzell (Germany) Milchwerk Radolfzell 03/14/2026
2 days
INTERNATIONALE RASSEHUNDE-AUSSTELLUNG - OFFENBURGInternational German show and pedigree dog competition once a year Offenburg (Germany) Messe Offenburg 03/14/2026
2 days
OENOTELIAΟΕΝΟΤ ELIA is the ideal commercial platform in Greece for wine & spirits producers and importers from all over the world once a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo 03/14/2026
3 days
PET EKSPOInternational Pets and Zoo Industry Exhibition. Pet Food, Accessories. Veterinary. Education and Information once a year Riga (Latvia) Riga International Exhibition Centre 03/14/2026
2 days
PHARMAGORA PLUSNational Forum of Pharmacy's Actors. Pharmaceutical Trade Show. Pharmagora Plus brings together all major players under one roof including Ordre National des Pharmaciens, pharmacies' buying groups, unions, pharmacists, media and industry leaders once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 03/14/2026
2 days
SALON DU MARIAGE D'AUBAGNEWedding Fair of Aubagne. The wedding fairs are strategically distributed in time and space to allow you to find all the providers for your wedding with complete peace of mind once a year Aubagne (France) Agora d'Aubagne 03/14/2026
2 days
TECNIPÃOTrade Fair for Machinery, Equipments and Raw Materials for the Bakery Industry every 2 years Porto (Portugal) Exponor 03/14/2026
3 days
PROWEINThe ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf welcomes wine professionals from all over the world, from the retail and gastronomy sectors. 5000+ exhibitors from 65 countries, 300+ master classes and events... A hall reserved for spirits once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 03/15/2026
3 days
TAVOLAFood & Dairy Products Trade Show. Since 1982, Tavola has grown into a leading biennial trade fair for food professionals with a passion for premium food & drinks every 2 years Kortrijk (Belgium) Kortrijk Xpo 03/15/2026
3 days
ADVANCED THERAPIES - EUROPEThe Advanced Therapies Congress brings together speakers from across the entire value chain of cell and gene therapy development; forward-thinking pharma, biotech and startup companies, researchers, clinicians, academics, HTAs, payers, regulators once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/17/2026
2 days
AUTOMOTIVE LOGISTICS EUROPE CONFERENCEAutomotive conference for senior logistics executives worldwide, debating the future direction of the automotive industry, with direct access to top-level speakers, panelists and key industry decision makers once a year Bonn (Germany) Kameha Grand Hotel Bonn 03/17/2026
3 days
NORDIC WELDING EXPONordic Welding Expo is the largest welding industry exhibition in the Nordic countries. Discover in practice, new machines, devices or tools in the welding industry every 2 years Tampere (Finland) Tampereen Messu 03/17/2026
3 days
SHK ESSENTrade Fair for Sanitation, Heating, Air Conditioning and Renewable Energies every 2 years Essen (Germany) Messe Essen 03/17/2026
4 days
SKLADTECHTrade show for Warehouse and Handling Equipment, Automation Systems and Solutions - together with the largest Logistics Exhibition TRANSRUSSIA once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 03/17/2026
3 days
TRANSPORT TICKETING GLOBALInternational Exhibition for Public Transport & Smart Transport Systems once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Olympia Exhibition Centre 03/17/2026
2 days
TRANSRUSSIA / TRANSLOGISTICAInternational Freight Transport & Logistics Exhibition. TransRussia is the largest logistics exhibition in Russia. Held on the same site with a special exposition of warehouse equipment SkladTech once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 03/17/2026
3 days
EMPACK AND LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - BILBAOEmpack and Logistics & Automation Bilbao bring together more than 3, 000 professionals to showcase and debate the future of the sectors. The latest packaging, automation, storage, logistics and transport solutions from the more than 70 brands represented once a year Bilbao (Spain) Bilbao Exhibition Centre 03/18/2026
2 days
SOLIDS DORTMUNDIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics every 2 years Dortmund (Germany) Exhibition Centre Dortmund 03/18/2026
2 days
NATIONAL HOMEBUILDING AND RENOVATING SHOWThe UK’s biggest and most inspiring event for self-builders and renovators looking for help with their project. Bringing together over 1000 leading brands and experts over four days once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 03/19/2026
4 days
THE STICH FESTIVALThe Knitting & Stitching Show is a place where like-minded artisans can meet, discuss ideas, learn new skills and buy their craft supplies once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Business Design Centre, Islington 03/19/2026
4 days
BAUMESSE NRWCombinated Building and Real Estate Exhibition. Eco Building, Real Estate and Vacation Properties once a year Dortmund (Germany) Exhibition Centre Dortmund 03/20/2026
3 days
BLÜHENDES ÖSTERREICHAustrian Garden, Holiday and Excursion Fair. The great Austrian fair for garden lovers and travel enthusiasts once a year Wels (Austria) Messe Wels 03/20/2026
3 days
GARTENTRÄUME ULMGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. every 2 years Ulm (Germany) Ulm Messe 03/20/2026
3 days
MOVE ITAnnual London event dedicated to dance. MOVE IT is a unique, high energy event that’s brings together 30, 000 learners, teachers, artists, studios and brands for three days packed with the best talent and creativity, all under one roof once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 03/20/2026
3 days
URLAUB & AUSFLUGUpper Austria's most popular leisure fair. The “URLAUB & AUSFLUG” trade fair lets you discover the best travel and excursion destinations once a year Wels (Austria) Messe Wels 03/20/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
Trade shows worldwide