FLOWERSEXPOInternational Exhibition of flowers, plants, equipment and materials for ornamental gardening and flower business |
once a year |
Moscow (Russia)
Crocus-Expo IEC
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DE BÉRÉ - CHÂTEAUBRIANTTrade Fair of Béré - Châteaubriant. Trade fair, Livestock area, Equestrian area, Fairground, Activities... |
once a year |
Châteaubriant (France)
Foire de Béré
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DE LA LATIÈRECreated since time immemorial, the Latière fair brings together more than 10, 000 people in the middle of hectares of forest. The La Latière fair is an atypical fair where animals, local products, garden centers, vehicles, funfairs... |
twice a year |
Saint Aulaye-Puymangou (France)
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DE PAUFair of Pau. Gastronomy, Housing, Shopping, Beauty and Well-being, Village of associations, Ephemeral farm, Music festival... |
once a year |
Pau (France)
Foire Expositions de Pau
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DE SAVOIEFair of Savoy. Home, Garden, Shopping, Multimedia, Leisure, Services... |
once a year |
Chambery (France)
Savoiexpo - Parc des expositions de Chambery
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DU DAUPHINÉ - ROMANSThe Foire du Dauphiné brings together all the players in the region in the same place: from cars to furniture, including kitchens, bathrooms, verandas, swimming pools, spas, house builders... and offers festive activities for all ages |
once a year |
Romans-sur-Isère (France)
Foire du Dauphiné
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE DU MANSLe Mans Fair. Housing, wines and gastronomy, ingenious products, automobiles, furniture, public works building spaces and agricultural equipment... stock up on ideas for your projects |
once a year |
Le Mans (France)
Centre des expositions du Mans
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE EUROPEENNE DE STRASBOURGThe Strasbourg European Fair, which welcomes 25 countries each year, offers a constantly updated offer: everything for the home, the garden, decoration, well-being and gift ideas |
once a year |
Strasbourg (France)
Parc des expositions de Strasbourg
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE EXPO DE FOUGÈRESFougères Fair. A space dedicated to housing, the garden, wine and gastronomy, fashion & decoration trends |
once a year |
Fougères (France)
Espace Aumaillerie
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE EXPO DE NEVERSNevers trade fair. The opportunity to demonstrate your know-how, develop your professional network and conquer new markets |
once a year |
Nevers (France)
Centre des Expositions de Nevers
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE EXPO HAUT-SAÔNOISE – VESOULThis Fair brings together professionals in the fields of Housing, Furniture, Leisure, Well-being, Food, Catering, Bars, Automobiles and many others! |
once a year |
Vesoul (France)
Parc des Expositions de Haute-Saône
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE CAENCaen International Fair. 10 days of commerce, entertainment and shows. To meet the new expectations of its visitors, the "Foire internationale de Caen" diversifies and enriches its programming from year to year |
once a year |
Caen (France)
Parc des expositions de Caen
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE CHATOUSecondhand trade fair, antiques and regional products from Chatou (near Paris) |
twice a year |
Chatou (France)
Île des Impressionnistes
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE MARSEILLEMarseille International Fair. Gastronomy and Terroir, Home & Habitat, Beauty & Well-being, Automotive, Outdoor leisure, Sports, Motorcycles, Boats, Crafts and World Cuisines... |
once a year |
Marseille (France)
Parc Chanot
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE METZThe Metz International Fair, one of the main international fairs in France, is both a commercial meeting and a social phenomenon which has no equivalent in the entire North-Eastern quarter of France |
once a year |
Metz (France)
Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE SAINT-ÉTIENNEThe Saint-Étienne Fair is the largest pop-up store in the region, offering a diverse offering in all sectors of daily life, exterior design, home equipment, mobility, leisure, well-being, culture, gastronomy, etc... |
once a year |
Saint-Étienne (France)
Parc Expo de Saint-Etienne
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOIRE-EXPOSITION DE VERDUNVerdun Fair-Exhibition. With more than 40, 000 visitors, the Verdun National Fair is the first family event in the Meuse department |
once a year |
Verdun (France)
Verdun Expo Meuse
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOOD MANUFACTURING TAMPERETrade Fair for Food Manufacturing Industry |
every 2 years |
Tampere (Finland)
Tampereen Messu
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOR ARCHCzech International Building and Architecture Exhibition |
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOR ARCH. FOR WASTE &WATERInternational Trade Fair of Waste Handling, Recycling, Industrial and Municipal Ecology |
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOR CITYFair of innovative solutions for cities, towns and regions |
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOR DECOR & HOMEFair of Decorations, Glass, Dining Accessories, Home Accessories, Textile and Gifts |
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOR HOME DECORContract-oriented Trade Fair for Decorations, Glassware, Tableware and Giftware |
once a year |
Prague (Czech Republic)
PVA Letnany - Prague Exhibition Centre Letnany
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FORECHInternational restaurant and hotel business and cleaning Expo |
once a year |
Kiev (Ukraine)
Kiev International Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FORTRONICThe great Italian event dedicated to power electronics |
once a year |
Milan (Italy)
NH Hotel Fiera
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FORUM BHPIndustry Trade Fair for Equipment, Products and Techniques for Work Safety in Poland and the entire Central and Eastern European region |
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Ptak Warsaw Expo
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FOUR OAKS TRADE SHOWUk's premier Ornamental Horticulture show. Huge displays of plant material, supplies & services from production to point-of-sale. Profile includes commercial growers/retailers, garden centers, farm shops, landscapers & architects, designers and florists |
once a year |
Macclesfield (UK - United Kingdom)
Four Oaks Nurseries
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FRAGRANZEInternational show dedicated to artistic perfumery, home fragrances, beauty, and wellness |
once a year |
Florence (Italy)
Stazione Leopolda
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FRESH FOOD LOGISTICSThe meeting point for logistics, mobility, IT and cold chain management for the food industry |
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FRESH MARKETThe biggest Event on the Market of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers in Poland. An unique platform for establishing vital connections with buyers from the largest retail chains in Central Europe |
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
MCC Mazurkas Conference Centre & Hotel
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FRUIT ATTRACTIONInternational Trade Show for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry |
once a year |
Madrid (Spain)
Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FURNITURE SALONInternational Armenian exhibition specializing in furnishings and furniture industry |
once a year |
Yerevan (Armenia)
Yerevan Expo
Sept. 2026 (?) |
FUTURE RESOURCEThe UK's leading event for energy and water efficiency |
once a year |
Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom)
National Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GAME EXPO MINSKMinsk Exhibition & Festival of the Game Industry. Developers and publishers of electronic games, gaming computers, tablets, consoles, mobile devices, smartphones and portable devices, Board games, accessories of heroes of computer games... |
once a year |
Minsk (Belarus)
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GAMESFORUM LONDONB2B Conference about the Business of Games. Join the GAMESFORUM LONDON for an immersive event dedicated to exploring the dynamic landscape of ad monetization in mobile games |
once a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
155 Bishopsgate, London
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GASTRO TRENDYInternational Catering Trade Fair |
once a year |
Poznan (Poland)
Poznan Congress Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GAUDEAMUS NITRAExhibition dedicated to European Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. Regional exhibition for students from central Slovakia. Presentation of Schools from all over Slovakia and the Czech Republic |
once a year |
Nitra (Slovakia)
Agrokomplex Nitra
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GIROCÀMPING PROProfessional Camping Tourism Congress in the Girona region (Spain) |
once a year |
Girona (Spain)
Palacio de Congresos de Girona
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GLEEUK's leading garden event for retailers. GLEE attracts 9, 000 buyers from leading retailers to garden centres, DIY stores who fish for fertilizers, garden tools, bulbs, seeds, garden machinery, decking, fencing, garden buildings & structures, paving... |
once a year |
Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom)
National Exhibition Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GO ENTREPRENEURS - LYONStart-up & Expanding French Companies Exhibition |
once a year |
Lyon (France)
La Sucrière
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GO INTERNATIONALGo International is the reference italian exhibition event for export services. The fair aims to put demand in contact and the offer of services to support exports and internationalization |
once a year |
Milan (Italy)
MiCo - Milano Congressi
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GOURMET FOOD & WINE SELECTIONExhibition of high quality delicatessen products. In a friendly environment, the "Salon Gourmet Selection" offers gastronomic and gourmet products, wines and spirits, daily or festive accessories |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GOURMET SELECTIONIn a friendly environment, on a human scale, Gourmet Selection exhibition welcomes 300+ exhibitors of fine food and gourmet products, wines and spirits, daily or festive accessories |
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GRAND OCÉANPublic event dedicated to the discovery of the oceans. About forty renowned scientists and historians, sailors, explorers and ocean lovers & actors from major companies will share their passion and expertise with you |
once a year |
Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (France)
Cité de la Mer
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GRAND PAVOIS DE LA ROCHELLEA must-see afloat boating show. For enthusiasts and professionals |
once a year |
La Rochelle (France)
Port des Minimes
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GRAPHIMARaw materials and accessory materials for graphic industry, graphic equipment, spare parts, finished products, graphic services |
once a year |
Belgrade (Serbia)
Belgrade Fair Grounds
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GREEK JEWELRY SHOWExhibition of Greek jewelry and art reserved for professionals |
once a year |
Athens (Greece)
MEC - Mediterranian Exhibition Center
Sept. 2026 (?) |
GREEN IS LIFEInternational Fair of plants, garden technique and landscaping. Garden Plant. nursery stock (ornamental and fruit) trees, shrubs, perennials, climbers, grasses, Technologies, Equipment, Materials, Decorations... |
once a year |
Warsaw (Poland)
Warszawskie Centrum EXPO XXI
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HABITAREFurniture, Interior Decoration and Design Fair for Professionals and Public Visitors |
once a year |
Helsinki (Finland)
Helsinki Fair Centre
Sept. 2026 (?) |
HANSEBOOT HAMBURG BOAT SHOWGermany's international in-water boat show. You can look forward to impressive boats and yachts waiting for you on the jetties in the picturesque Osthafen |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
Hamburg Marina
Sept. 2026 (?) |