Trade shows in April 2025


Logistics - Transport - Packaging

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35 Trade Shows related to Packaging in April 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
LABELEXPO MEXICOInternational Trade Fair for the Printing and Packaging Industry every 2 years Guadalajara (Mexico) Expo Guadalajara 04/01/2025
3 days
EMPACK NETHERLANDSTrade Fair for Innovative Packaging Solutions. Empack Netherlands exhibitors will showcase Packaging Materials, Equipment & Technologies, Labeling and Marking Technology, Creative and Design, Recycling, Services once a year Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) Brabanthallen’ Exhibition Centre 04/02/2025
2 days
PAC MECHEXIndia's International exhibition on packaging material, technology, machinery & services once a year Mumbai (India) NESCO Center 04/03/2025
3 days
SNACK & BAKE TECIndia's International trade fair on snacks, bakery and confectionery processing and packaging technology & services once a year Mumbai (India) Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) 04/03/2025
3 days
DJAZAGROInternational exhibition of the agri-food industry in Algeria. Bakery-Pastry, Hospitality-Catering, Ingredients and flavorings, Food and beverage products, packaging, hygiene and safety, Services... once a year Algiers (Algeria) Palais des Expositions d'Alger - Safex 04/07/2025
4 days
FARM SHOP & DELI SHOWLocal and Regional food and drink products, ingredients, packaging innovations and services Exhibition once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 04/07/2025
3 days
FOODEX BIRMINGHAMInternational Exhibition for the Food and Drink Processing, Packaging, Food Ingredients and Logistics Industries. FOODEX BIRMINGHAM mainly focuses on eight key sectors such as Bakery, Beverage, Dairy, Fresh, Ingredients, Logistics, Meat and Seafood every 2 years Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 04/07/2025
3 days
DPRINTDPrint showcases the digital application equipment and technology for printing and forming of whole-category packaging products, and help packaging enterprises iterate existing traditional printing technologies once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 04/08/2025
3 days
EMPACK AND LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - PORTOEmpack and Logistics & Automation Porto bring together more than 3, 000 professionals to showcase and debate the future of the sectors. The latest packaging, automation, storage, logistics and transport solutions from the more than 70 brands represented once a year Porto (Portugal) Exponor 04/08/2025
2 days
OZUPACKInternational Exhibition of equipment and technologies for packaging and printing industry in Uzbekistan once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 04/08/2025
3 days
SINOCORRUGATEDInternational Trade Exhibition dedicated to Packaging & Corrugated Carton. SinoCorrugated will provide up-to-date market information, broadcast the latest trends and allow participants to explore numerous business opportunities on-site once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 04/08/2025
3 days
SINOFOLDINGCARTONTrade Show for folding carton, post-print equipment, consumables, technologies and services in Asia-Pacific once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 04/08/2025
3 days
STRETCH & SHRINK FILM EUROPEForum exploring trends and technical developments in the Europe Stretch & Shrink Film industry once a year Malaga (Spain) 04/08/2025
3 days
WARSAW PACKPolish Packaging Technology Trade Show. WARSAW PACK is an international Trade Fair of Packaging Technology, Packaging Materials and Intralogistics once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 04/08/2025
3 days
WEPACKWEPACK is a global commerce and trade showcase platform exhibition that spans the whole packaging industrial chain and integrates a series of packaging exhibitions in six major sectors once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai New International Expo Centre - SNIEC 04/08/2025
3 days
INNOPACK JAPANInternational Sourcing Event for pharmaceutical packaging and drug delivery systems once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 04/09/2025
3 days
LUXE PACK - SHANGHAIA tradeshow unique in Asia offering luxury brands within all sectors (cosmetics, fragrance, wine & spirits, fine food, home goods, tech, and beyond) cutting-edge packaging solutions, sustainable innovations, new materials and design agencies once a year Shanghai (China) Shanghai Exhibition Center (SEC) 04/09/2025
2 days
PACKPLUS SOUTHTotal Packaging, Processing and Supply Chain Event. PackPlus South aims to bring together worldwide manufacturers and providers of machinery, materials and services for food, pharma and packaging industry once a year Hyderabad (India) Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX) 04/09/2025
3 days
PHARMATECH EXPO - CHANDIGARHPharmaTech Expo an International Exhibition on Pharma Machinery, Formulations, Nutraceutical, Lab, Analytical & Packaging Equipments... once a year Chandigarh (India) Parade Ground 04/10/2025
3 days
GRAFINCAVisual Communication & Advertising Show. Grafinca offers your company the opportunity, so that, with a low investment, you can be a protagonist and share the same stage with the large companies in the sector once a year Lima (Peru) UPC - Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas 04/11/2025
3 days
FA&M (FOOD AUTOMATION & MANUFACTURING CONFERENCE & EXPO)Food Automation & Manufacturing Conference and Expo. FA&M brings food & beverage processors and suppliers together to gain valuable information on the latest trends technologies in manufacturing, automation, sustainability and food safety once a year Tampa, FL (USA) Hilton Downtown, Tampa 04/14/2025
3 days
BEVITECThe leading exhibition in Russia & the CIS region for beverage manufacturing. The entire process chain: Raw materials, processing, filling & packaging, logistics, ingredients... for the production and sale of all types of beverages once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 04/15/2025
3 days
ECOMMERCE PACKAGING & LABELLING EXPO - USAForum dedicated to ecommerce packaging and labelling market. Hear company showcases, what the latest innovations are looking like for the coming years and where the market is currently a is once a year Las Vegas, NV (USA) Las Vegas Convention Center 04/16/2025
2 days
IFFIP - INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF FOOD INDUSTRY AND PACKAGINGInternational Forum of Food Industry and Packaging once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center 04/16/2025
3 days
PACK FAIRInternational Specialized Exhibition of Package, Packing Materials, Equipment and Technologies once a year Kiev (Ukraine) Kiev International Exhibition Center 04/16/2025
3 days
ENGINEERING & HEALTHCARE SHOWEngineering & Healcare Tarde Fair. Agricultural Machinety, Furniture & Mattresses, Plastic Implements, Automotive, Packaging, Construction Mqterial, Home Appliances, Pharmaceutical, Surgical Instruments, Electrical machinery, Chemicals, Cosmetics... once a year Lahore (Pakistan) Expo Centre Lahore 04/17/2025
3 days
GREEN EXPO ANTALYAVegetables, Fruits, Packaging, Storage, Fresh Products, Equipment and Technologies International Exhibition in Antalya once a year Antalya (Turkey) Antalya Expo Centre 04/17/2025
2 days
HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL PRINTING AND PACKAGING FAIRHong Kong International Printing and Packaging Fair once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 04/27/2025
4 days
SPECIALTY PACKAGING FILMS ASIACongress dedicated to Specialty Packaging Films in Asia Pacific. Markets and technology of flexible barrier packaging for retail and industrial applications every 2 years Bangkok (Thailand) Banyan Tree Hotel, Bangkok 04/29/2025
2 days
ALLFOOD INDONESIAIndonesia International Food & Horeca Expo. Dairy Products, eggs, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables, dried Fruits, Confectionery, biscuits and Pastry, Meat and Tripe, Organic Products, Frozen Products, Wines & Spirits, Non-Alcoholic Beverages... once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition 04/30/2025
4 days
PACKPRO INDONESIAPACKPRO INDONESIA, the food packaging & Processing event, covers many industry sectors including food processing and packaging and is a key event for businesses involved in food production once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition 04/30/2025
4 days
WINE & SPIRIT EXPOWINE & SPIRIT EXPO is set to be Indonesia’s sole trade event dedicated for the wine industry and its entire supply chain. From in-the-bottle to viticulture through to marketing, packaging and design once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition 04/30/2025
4 days
PACK & SPIRITInternational Business Convention focusing on the luxury packaging and the marketing of wine and spirits once a year Reims (France) Caveau Castelnau April 2025 (?)
PAKPRINTPakprint is a packaging and printing industry exhibition in Zimbabwe that brings together industry professionals to showcase and share ideas on the latest technologies that promote efficiency, waste education, recycling and eco-friendly production once a year Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre (ZIEC) April 2025 (?)
RUBBER ISTANBULRubber Eurasia, Rubber Technologies, Rubber Products and Raw Materials Fair will exhibit their latest technology products and services at the fair, which will host professional exhibitors and visitors from all over the world once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center April 2025 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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