
Trade Shows in Europe
November 2026


Countries in Europe - November 2026

Dec 171 Jan 374 2025 Feb 504 Mar 692 Apr 498 May 490 Jun 329 Jul 95 Aug 84 Sep 618 Oct 851 Nov 706 Dec 161 Jan 378 2026 Feb 500 Mar 689 Apr 492 May 461 Jun 325 Jul 95 Aug 89 Sep 621 Oct 819 Nov 700 Dec 155
700 Trade Shows in Europe in November 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
INTURDomestic Tourism Fair in the Iberian Peninsula. Regions, autonomous communities, cities, provinces, villages encourage the public to discover the history, nature, gastronomy, traditions, cultural events that make up their territory once a year Valladolid (Spain) Feria de Valladolid Nov. 2026 (?)
INVESTIR DAYInvestment forum. Come and meet the actors of the financial markets: listed companies, management companies, brokers, cryptocurrency actors, economists, analysts, politicians... once a year Paris (France) Carrousel du Louvre Nov. 2026 (?)
IO CREOIO CREO is a fair dedicated to female creativity in Pordenone. Three days dedicated to the love of creativity and the handmade. Raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity and hobbies, as well as numerous courses and demonstrations once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere Nov. 2026 (?)
IO-CREOThe fair dedicated to creativity and leisure for creatives from the north-east of Italy. Raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity, hobbies and beyond. Numerous courses and demonstrations for beginners and experienced enthusiasts once a year Pordenone (Italy) Pordenone Fiere Nov. 2026 (?)
ISTANBUL BOOK FAIRIstanbul International Book Fair. Books, Periodicals, Newspaper and magazine publishing, Media companies, Nongovernmental organizations involved in publishing... once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
ITALPIGItalian International Pig Breeding Exhibition. As part of the Cremona International Livestock Fairs once a year Cremona (Italy) Cremona Fiere Nov. 2026 (?)
ITCS FRANKFURTThe ITCS is a tech conference, festival & IT job fair in one. Conferences, direct meetings with influential IT companies, festive atmosphere... once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt Nov. 2026 (?)
JAPAN WEEKEND BARCELONAFans of manga, anime and Japanese culture meet at Japan Weekend Barcelona, which is the biggest pop culture event in Spain twice a year Barcelona (Spain) Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Gran Via Nov. 2026 (?)
JAPAN WEEKEND VALENCIAFans of manga, anime and Japanese culture meet at Japan Weekend Valencia, which is the biggest pop culture event in Spain twice a year Valencia (Spain) Feria Valencia Nov. 2026 (?)
JOB & ORIENTAExhibition/Convention of Education And Professional Training. The most important Italian fair dedicated to Orientation, Training and Work once a year Verona (Italy) Verona Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
JOURNÉES DE L'INNOVATION EN BIOLOGIEAnnual meeting of Clinical Biology. The JIB combines an expanding exhibition with a top level scientific biomedical congress. For Liberal and hospital biologists, internship students, researchers, laboratories technicians and secretaries… once a year Paris (France) Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot Nov. 2026 (?)
JOURNÉES DE L'ORTHODONTIEParis Orthodontics Congress. This scientific congress allows all professions linked to orthodontics to come together for a moment of exchange and conviviality once a year Paris (France) Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot Nov. 2026 (?)
JOURNÉES PROFESSIONNELLES ESFProfessional days of the National Union of French Ski Instructors once a year Tarbes (France) Tarbes - Parc des Expositions Nov. 2026 (?)
KAPI - EURASIA DOORInternational Door, Shutter, Lock, Panel, Board, Partition Systems and Accessories Fair once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Nov. 2026 (?)
KÄTEVÄ&TEKEVÄ AND HETKIKätevä&Tekevä is a place for craft enthusiasts and hobbyists. The fair hall will be filled with interesting programme, exhibitions and demonstrations, along with a diverse selection of unique products and materials once a year Lahti (Finland) Lahti Sports and Trade Fair Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
KEM WORLD FRANCHISE EXHIBITIONWorld Franchise Exhibition. The best way to develop your network and expand your business in Greece! twice a year Athens (Greece) MEC - Mediterranian Exhibition Center Nov. 2026 (?)
KHIMIAInternational Specialized Exhibition for Analytical and Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Furniture and Glassware, Chemical Reagents once a year Moscow (Russia) Timiryazev Engineering Center Nov. 2026 (?)
KHIMIA - CHEMISTRYInternational Exhibition of Chemistry. Khimia is a meeting place for chemical manufacturers, service providers, suppliers of the latest equipment, materials and technologies, and consumers from all over the world once a year Moscow (Russia) Timiryazev Engineering Center Nov. 2026 (?)
KREATIV- & BASTELWELTThe Creative Trade Fair of South Germany. Decoration, handicrafts, graphic and art supplies, hobby and craft supplies, cake decoration, textiles... twice a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
KREATIV- & BASTELWELTThe Creative Trade Fair of South Germany. Decoration, handicrafts, graphic and art supplies, hobby and craft supplies, cake decoration, textiles... twice a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON ARTS, COMMUNICATION ET NUMÉRIQUE DE TOULOUSESalon dédié aux formations artistiques, de communication et numériques. Les écoles présentes seront à votre écoute pour vous parler des cursus possibles afin de peaufiner votre projet d’études et trouver l’établissement qui vous correspond once a year Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR DE NIORTHigher education fair. The perfect place to think about your career plans, your future profession, and build your study path once a year Niort (France) L'Acclameur Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON DES GRANDES ÉCOLES DE BORDEAUXGrandes Ecoles Fair, engineering and business schools. The different schools will be happy to present you their courses in order to help you choose your path and find the right school once a year Bordeaux (France) Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON DES GRANDES ÉCOLES DE LYONGrandes Ecoles Fair, engineering and business schools. The different schools will be happy to present you their courses in order to help you choose your path and find the right school once a year Lyon (France) Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON DES GRANDES ÉCOLES DE MARSEILLEGrandes Ecoles Fair, engineering and business schools. The different schools will be happy to present you their courses in order to help you choose your path and find the right school once a year Marseille (France) Parc Chanot Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON DES GRANDES ÉCOLES DE RENNESGrandes Ecoles Fair, engineering and business schools. The different schools will be happy to present you their courses in order to help you choose your path and find the right school once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON EUROPÉEN DE L'ÉDUCATIONThe Salon européen de l'éducation is the annual event for education professionals and hundreds of thousands of young people who come to think about their orientation once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON EUROPÉEN DE L'ÉDUCATION DE PARISEuropean student fair. The perfect place to think about your career plans, your future profession, and build your study path once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON SANTÉ, SOCIAL, PARAMÉDICAL ET SPORT DE LYONResponsibles and students from faculties of medicine and pharmacy, health schools, pre-medical courses, paramedical, social and nursing schools... will be presents to tell you about possible courses and admission requirements once a year Lyon (France) Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON SANTÉ, SOCIAL, PARAMÉDICAL ET SPORT DE MARSEILLEResponsibles and students from faculties of medicine and pharmacy, health schools, pre-medical courses, paramedical, social and nursing schools... will be presents to tell you about possible courses and admission requirements once a year Marseille (France) Parc Chanot Nov. 2026 (?)
LE SALON SANTÉ, SOCIAL, PARAMÉDICAL ET SPORT DE RENNESResponsibles and students from faculties of medicine and pharmacy, health schools, pre-medical courses, paramedical, social and nursing schools... will be presents to tell you about possible courses and admission requirements once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport Nov. 2026 (?)
LEGALEXThe UK’s leading event for business growth, professional development and cyber security in the legal sector once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Nov. 2026 (?)
LEISURE F&B EXPOUK’s premier event to elevate your food and beverage experience. Explore the latest trends, embrace innovative ideas and indulge in extraordinary culinary experiences once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
LES AUTOMNALESInternational Fair of Geneva. House, wellness, leisure, flavors. Exhibitors, workshops and animations await you once a year Geneve (Switzerland) Palexpo Nov. 2026 (?)
LIFECzech sports, dance and entertainment festival. A pavilion is dedicated to skiing once a year Brno (Czech Republic) Brno Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
LIFE!Festival of Sports, Dance and Entertainment once a year Brno (Czech Republic) Brno Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
LOGISTIK & TRANSPORTLogistics and Transport Exhibition and Conference in Sweden once a year Gothenburg (Sweden) Svenska Mässan - Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
LOGITRANSInternational Transport & Logistics Exhibition in Turkey. The logitrans Exhibition is the largest Logistics Gathering in the Eurasia Region once a year Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo Nov. 2026 (?)
LONDON BUILD EXPOThe Leading Building & Construction Show for London. The expo features 35, 000+ attendees, 600+ speakers across 10 CPD (Continuous Professional Development) stages, 450+ exhibitors... once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Olympia Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
LONDON VET SHOWVeterinary Forum. The event offers vets practical and relevant training with clinical programmes for small animal vets once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL Nov. 2026 (?)
LUXEMBOURG ART WEEKLuxembourg Art Week is the must-see international contemporary art fair in Luxembourg. Through a selection of cutting-edge galleries from around the world, it offers the opportunity for collectors and art lovers to sample the best of contemporary art once a year Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Glacis square (Fouerplaatz) Nov. 2026 (?)
LUXEMBOURG MINERAL EXPOInternational Fair for Minerals, Gemstones, Jewelry, Fossils and Meteorites twice a year Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Parc des Expositions Luxexpo Kirchberg Nov. 2026 (?)
LVIV FASHION WEEKLviv Fashion Week is aimed at creating opportunities of economic development for the Ukrainian ready-to-wear brands, support of young designers once a year Lviv (Ukraine) Exhibition centre Shuvar Nov. 2026 (?)
MADRID CÓMIC POP UPMadrid Comic Pop Up is a fair with a festive and cultural spirit, which connects the public in a natural and close way with the comics sector once a year Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Nov. 2026 (?)
MAP OF FLAVOURSThe Northern Greece's largest tasting for top-quality wines once a year Athens (Greece) Helexpo Exhibition Centre Nov. 2026 (?)
MAPICThe annual meeting of the international commercial real estate, leisure and catering community once a year Cannes (France) Palais des Festivals de Cannes Nov. 2026 (?)
MARCHÉ DE NOËL DE CAENCaen Christmas market. Artisanal products, local gastronomic specialties, Christmas items, seasonal clothing and accessories... once a year Caen (France) Parc des expositions de Caen Nov. 2026 (?)
MARCHÉ DE NOËL DE CLERMONT-FERRANDClermont-Ferrand Christmas market. Spend a timeless moment, have fun, find Christmas gifts, taste regional specialties... this is what the Clermont-Ferrand Christmas Market offers you! once a year Clermont-Ferrand (France) Place de la Victoire Nov. 2026 (?)
MAREDIMODA / INTIMODIMODABeachwear and Underwear European fabrics and accessories show once a year Cannes (France) Palais des Festivals de Cannes Nov. 2026 (?)
MARJOLAINEMarjolaine is the largest French trade fair dedicated to organic and nature for eco-citizens who are committed to protecting the environment once a year Paris (France) Parc Floral de Paris Nov. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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