
Equipments & Technologies for Medical and Surgery
Trade Shows in Europe
2025 - 2026

(telemedicine, telehealth, electrocardiograph, ECG, EKG machines, holter systems)
All trade shows in Europe


Countries in Europe

218 Trade Shows in Europe related to Equipments & Technologies for Medical and Surgery
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
NORDENTALNorway's international Congress + Expo for dentists, oral hygienists and dental staff once a year Lillestrøm (Norway) Nova Spektrum, Oslo 10/30/2025
3 days
AR-MEDICAMedicine Fair, Medical Equipment, Dental, Pharmacy, Optics, Prosthetics, Related Services once a year Arad (Romania) Expo Arad International Nov. 2025 (?)
CEDEDental exhibition and dental congress for Central Europe. Numerous thematic conferences: digital technology, prosthetics, aesthetics, endodontics, prophylaxis, etc. once a year Lodz (Poland) Expo Lodz Nov. 2025 (?)
DENTAMEDThe DENTAMED® exhibition is the only dental industry exhibition taking place in the Lower Silesia region. A great opportunity to meet industry manufacturers and distributors with their potential customers unknown Wroclaw (Poland) Centennial Hall Nov. 2025
VIV HEALTHTECHEvent related to the Health sector and technological innovation. Scheduled meetings, targeted conferences, lunch networking, performance trophies once a year ? (France) Nov. 2025 (?)
DENTAL-EXPO SAMARADental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Samara once a year Samara (Russia) EC 'Expo-Volga' 11/05/2025
3 days
THE FINNISH DENTAL CONGRESS AND EXHIBITIONInternational Conference & Exhibition of Dental Equipment once a year Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 11/05/2025
3 days
CONGRÈS ÂGE 3 - MARSEILLEProfessional congress of retirement homes and structures welcoming dependent elderly people once a year Marseille (France) Parc Chanot 11/06/2025
1 day
ID INFOTAGE DENTAL FRANKFURTGerman Dental Equipment Exhibition. Whether you are a dentist, dental technician or specialist - there is an interesting offer for every visitor once a year Frankfurt (Germany) Exhibition Centre Frankfurt 11/07/2025
2 days
JOURNÉES DE L'ORTHODONTIEParis Orthodontics Congress. This scientific congress allows all professions linked to orthodontics to come together for a moment of exchange and conviviality once a year Paris (France) Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot 11/07/2025
3 days
DENTAL SCANDINAVIASwedish Dental Society's Odontological Trade Show once a year Stockholm (Sweden) 11/12/2025
3 days
DENTAL-EXPO ROSTOVDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Rostov once a year Rostov-on-Don (Russia) Rostov Arena 11/12/2025
3 days
SOVREMENNAYA STOMATOLOGIYA. DENTAL-EXPO. ROSTOVDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Rostov-on-Don once a year Rostov-on-Don (Russia) Rostov Arena 11/12/2025
3 days
SWEDENTAL & THE ANNUAL DENTAL CONGRESSSwedental and The Annual Dental Congress in Gothenburg presents new products, innovative methods, effective services and a chance to update your dental skills every 3 years Stockholm (Sweden) 11/12/2025
3 days
THE ANNUAL FINNISH VETERINARY CONFERENCEConference and Exhibition organized by the Finnish Veterinary Association once a year Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 11/12/2025
3 days
COMPAMEDInternational trade show for the medical supplier industry and product development. Components, parts and materials for the medical industry once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 11/17/2025
4 days
MEDICAInternational Trade Show for the Medical Industry once a year Dusseldorf (Germany) Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 11/17/2025
4 days
SALON DES MAIRES ET DES COLLECTIVITÉS LOCALESExhibition dedicated to Mayors and Local Authorities - the great French meeting for public procurement once a year Paris (France) Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 11/18/2025
3 days
AUTONOMIC MEDITERRANEEEvent Gathering all those involved in the Disability and Dependency Sector with the Goal of Improving Autonomy for People at Home and in Institutions every 2 years Marseille (France) Parc Chanot 11/19/2025
2 days
CONGRÈS HANDI 4 - TOULOUSEExhibition exclusively reserved for professionals and institutions in the disability sector once a year Toulouse (France) Diagora Labège 11/20/2025
1 day
DENTAL-EXPO UFADental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Ufa once a year Ufa (Russia) VDNH-EXPO 11/22/2025
3 days
VÉTÉRINEXPOVétérinexpo is the largest veterinary exhibition in Wallonia, reserved for the entire veterinary profession and those accompanying them. At the same time, there is a certified training program once a year Ciney (Belgium) Ciney Expo 11/22/2025
2 days
ADF CONGRESInternational Dental Technology Show. Products and Equipment for the Dental Operator and Laboratory once a year Paris (France) Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot 11/25/2025
5 days
WARSAW MEDICAL EXPOInternational Trade Fair of Medical Facilities Equipment in Warsaw. It is a meeting place for producers and distributors of comprehensive equipment for medical facilities, both the smallest and largest multi-specialized clinics once a year Warsaw (Poland) Ptak Warsaw Expo 11/25/2025
3 days
DENTAL-EXPO EKATERINBURGDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Yekaterinburg once a year Yekaterinburg (Russia) World Trade Center, Yekaterinburg 11/26/2025
3 days
CONGRÈS ÂGE 3 - TOULOUSEProfessional congress of retirement homes and structures welcoming dependent elderly people once a year Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 11/27/2025
1 day
THE MAGNETICS SHOW EUROPESupply Chain Expo & Technical Programme for the Global Magnetics Industry. Encompassing the entire supply chain of the magnetic material and rare earth industries. From energy conversion, aerospace, to the modest refrigerator magnet once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre 12/03/2025
2 days
RUSSIAN HEALTH CARE WEEKRussian Health Care Week is the largest health care project in Russia, which brings together international trade shows, congresses, forums, conferences and other events once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 12/08/2025
4 days
ZDRAVOOKHRANENIEInternational Exhibition of Health Care, Medical Engineering and Pharmaceuticals once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 12/08/2025
4 days
HEALTH SERVICE & PHARMACY EXPOHealth Service & Pharmacy Exhibition. Hygiene, Diagnostics, Clinical Medicine, Medical Equipment & Electronics, Rehabilitation Services, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Cardiology, Pediatrics... once a year Yerevan (Armenia) Karen Demirchyan Complex 12/12/2025
3 days
DENTAL-REVIEW MOSCOWAll-Russian Dental Equipment, Instruments and materials expo & forum in Moscow. Dental Review includes National Dental Forum, Conference on "Education, research and practice in dentistry" & regional exhibition Dental Review once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC Jan. 2026 (?)
TENDANCES CRÉATIVES - BILBAOHandicrafts and and do-it-yourself Exhibition. Sewing, home-deco, fabrics, patterns, leather, DIY accessories, customization, kits, haberdashery, beads, knitting, crochet, wool, sewing machines, embroidery, thread art, beads, scrapbooking, patchwork... once a year Bilbao (Spain) Bilbao Exhibition Centre Jan. 2026 (?)
INTERLOOKTrade fair or ophthalmic optics. INTERLOOK is the trade show for opticians in the heart of North Rhine Westphalia, and an important ordering platform for the industry once a year Dortmund (Germany) Exhibition Centre Dortmund 01/10/2026
2 days
LEIPZIG VETERINARY CONGRESSThe Leipzig Veterinary Congress is the biggest event for veterinary medicine in the German-speaking area. The congress and the trade fair both focus on species-specific and interdisciplinary topics every 2 years Leipzig (Germany) Exhibition Centre Leipzig 01/15/2026
3 days
FINNISH MEDICAL CONVENTION AND EXHIBITIONEvent Offering Further Training and Continuing Education for Physicians once a year Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 01/20/2026
2 days
THE FINNISH MEDICAL CONVENTION AND EXHIBITIONFinnish Medical Convention and Exhibition once a year Helsinki (Finland) Helsinki Fair Centre 01/20/2026
2 days
CONGRÈS FRANCOPHONE ÉCHOCLINIQUEUltrasound as an extension of the stethoscope to refine the diagnosis and enrich the practice of a clinical doctor: Training, Round tables, Exhibition every 2 years Montrouge (France) Le Beffroi de Montrouge 01/29/2026
3 days
MEDIZINSouth German Trade Exhibition & Congress. For Medical. Technology, Pharmacy, Materials and Equipment for Surgeries and Hospitals once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 01/30/2026
3 days
THERAPROThe TheraPro trade fair + congress provides information about therapy, rehabilitation and prevention. For Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, podiatrists, masseurs... once a year Stuttgart (Germany) New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 01/30/2026
3 days
MIDOEyewear Exhibition (Optics - Ophthalmology, Optometry). The MIDO is well known for it's ability to bring together the major actors of the industry once a year Milan (Italy) Fiera Milano, Rho 01/31/2026
3 days
AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPES BUSINESS INDUSTRIESBusiness convention for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. All sectors of industrial activity of excellence are concerned: Nuclear, Automotive, railway, Health, Aeronautics, Defense, Agri-food, Textiles, Mechanics, Plastics... once a year Bourg-en-Bresse (France) Ainterexpo Feb. 2026 (?)
DENTAL SALON KRASNOYARSKDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in Krasnoyarsk once a year Krasnoyarsk (Russia) Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
ECRThe European Congress of Radiology is showcasing the very best science from the world of medical imaging once a year Vienna (Austria) Austria Center Vienna Feb. 2026 (?)
SIBERIAN DENTAL FORUMSpecialized exhibition of stomatological equipment, materials, technologies and services once a year Krasnoyarsk (Russia) Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
WOMEN'S HEALTH PROFESSIONAL CAREWomen's Health Professional Care is a new event designed to bring together key learnings and new information on a whole range of issues and challenges which affect women throughout the course of their lives once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Olympia Exhibition Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
BEST PRACTICE LONDONBest Practice is the leading UK event for the general practice community once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Olympia Exhibition Centre 02/25/2026
2 days
FACHDENTAL LEIPZIGTrade Fair for Dental Surgeries and Laboratories once a year Leipzig (Germany) Exhibition Centre Leipzig March 2026
ORTO MEDICAL CAREInternational Trade Show for Prosthetics, Orthotics and Rehabilitation Technology every 3 years Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I March 2026
SALMEDInternational Trade Fair of Medical Equipment - Prevention and Health Care every 2 years Poznan (Poland) Poznan Congress Center March 2026 (?)
DENTAL EXPO NETHERLANDSDental Expo is the largest independent event within the dental industry in the Netherlands. This meeting place for oral professionals gives visitors a glimpse of the future by focusing on development and innovation every 2 years Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre 03/05/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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